Chapterrrrrr...... SEVENTEEN SON!

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Okay... So first of all, I'd just like to say thank you to everybody who supports me in this story! I can't even BELIEVE I got this many readers... I mean this book is no top twenty reads but still... Almost to 2000 readers! *gasps* I just couldn't thank you all enough

SECOND OF ALL, I'm having allot of writers block lately, I really need feedback on my story so if you could just comment down there *points downward because arrows just look like boxes if you don't have Emoji app*

I understand I mean allot of you don't even comment, but if it's just because you don't know how to, I completely understand, I used to be one of those people.

ANYWAYS... Enjoy the chappy!! (hehe, that was cheesy)


Joanna's POV

"Next door?" I choked out, suddenly finding it quite hard to breathe. "So that means Greyson Chance lives..."

"Across the street from you, yes. Sorry, I should have warned you..." Dom said, looking a little unsure of something. I pushed that thought aside and mentally noted to ask later.

"I can't... I just can't b-believe it." I croaked out, then gasped and grabbed Dom's hands, squealing, "GREYSON CHANCE LIVES NEXT DOOR! HOW ARE YOU NOT AS EXCITED AS I AM?!" Dom laughed and I copied her doing that, and she said, "Cause I know him pretty well, but I do admit I get REALLY excited and like, hyperventilate around Lisa Scott Tanner and Lexy."

"Who's lexy?"

"Oh, I mean Alexa. Sorry, I call her that sometimes." she said, chuckling.

"So how crazy are the fans at school?" I asked while Dom lead me inside and shut the door, sitting aside me at the couch and kicking her feet up on the coffee table. She said, look a bit dissapointed, "Nobody recognizes him... Except for Sam, who I guess doesn't have the guts to come up to him or something." --She chuckled-- "All these years I've just wanted to swipe that smirk right off of that sick, twisted face o here and now I've done I by becoming friends with her idol."

I laughed and jumped a foot in the air when my phone vibrated in my pocket, I pulled it out and flipped it open, reading the text from-don't freak out-Dante.

Dante: well be ther in 5. Can't wait! :)

Me: k :) c u in 5 then

I shut the phone.

"Dante's on his way, Ricky is coming... I wonder how they're getting here..." ironically, at that moment the doorbell rang, and when the door was opened I stood in front of Dante and Ricky, at the doorstep of my best friend's house, on scooters. It was quite a sight, I had to literally bite my tongue to hold back from saying anything about it. Luckily Dom cut in for me, "How far away were you when you got on those exactly... Just curious to know..."

"About a block away... It only took us ten to get here." Dante said, hopping off of his scooter and taking off his helmet. He looked me in the eyes and pulled me outside and whispered in my ear, "We need to talk." I nodded slowly and followed him outside.

*Dom's POV*

I gestured for Ricky to come in, mentally hyperventilating when he accepted my offer.

"Are you alright? You look pale... Really pale..." he shut the door behind him and rushed over to me and I stopped him, tryin to tell him nothing was wrong, just kind of FANGIRLING the heck out of myself.

"No, I'm fine, just... A fan."

"That big of one that you nearly faint?" Ricky chuckled, flashing his perfect smile in my direction. I nodded slowly and changed the subject, hoping my face couldn't get any paper than it already is.

"So what're they doin out there?"

"Dante's asking her to be his girlfriend... He might chicken though, he's scared she's gonna say no." I doubled over in laughter, the blood coming back to my face at that, and he gave me a concerned, confused look that was worrying. When I could breathe again I put my hands on his shoulders and said, "She won't say no."

Then I heard a scream coming from outside and we rushed to the door.


Again, thanks to Ll of you guys!

My friend Joanna (yup, she's the BFF in MAH story in this CHAPTAH, in case you were wondering), told me I have a reader who lives in the Phillipines!! Idk her name but to her, if you're reading this can you tell me ur wattpad name, I'd like to dedicate a chapter to you!!

Kk guys... So....


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