Chapter Four

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Dom's POV

I showed Greyson where all of the classes were, and we discovered that we had almost all of the same classes together. Thank God. Greyson made me laugh almost every step of the way, and luckily, i was able to avoid Sam as much as possible. Thank God. In chemistry class, we were told to get partners, and since nobody picked me because i was... me (I frowned), or Greyson because nobody really knew him... yet, we were paired. Again, Thank God. Inside I was bursting, with every smile he flashed at me or every time he laughed, fireworks went off in my head. Thank. God.

"So why were you sitting in the back of the bus anyway?" Greyson asked me and I tugged at my long hair. I looked down at my converse. "Domonique?" Greyson waved his hand in front of my face and I looked up.

"Call me Dom," I ignored Greyson's question completly, "We should get back to work?"

"Um, yeah..." Greyson and I continued working on the project, which netiher of us really knew how to do, because we weren't really listening at all. I basically just poured a bunch of liquids into the testing tube and it exploded in everybody's faves, and I was sent to the principal's office, along with Greyson, who decided to take half-credit for the small, accidental, explosion.

"Domonique Prensly, Greyson Chance, my office, now." The principal popped his head out of the entrance of his office door and waved for us to come in. He gestured for us to sit down, but I already sort of knew the drill, I'd been there so many times before. No, seriously, I practically had a seat reserved for me.

"You ought to ashamed of yourselves," the principal lectured us, but I interuppted, "I ought to be ashamed of myself, he is not to blame, honest."

"DO NOT INTERUPPT MR MD. PRENSLY!" Mr. Donnoham screamed. I shrunk in my chair a bit and my eyes widened. "NOW, both of you are to sit here until i get back, and if I hear a word out of either of you you'll be in huge trouble, the both of you will belive you me." Mr. Donnoham did the 'I'm watching you' gesture with his hand and left hte room, making WAY too big a deal out of what just happened in chemistry.

Greyson and i exchanged looks. "I'm so sorry Grey-" I started.

"Don't be!" Greyson was laughing a little, "It was pretty funny to see that explosion in class. Although my mom might be a bit mad to hear about this on my first day of school." I laughed with him.

"Speaking of Lisa, where do you guys live?"

Greyson looked a little scared I knew his mom's name, but he answered anyway, "We live down the block from here, I think. I don't know our address by heart yet, though, we only just moved in yesterday. I know that our house number is 20415." he replied.

My heart stopped beating and my face went white. "Oh my- are you okay?" Greyson asked me.

"I'm fine, I just think I'm about to faint, I think you're my... my neighbor?" He had to be. My house number is 20417, and somebody moved in nextdoor, yesterday. But i surely would have noticed! How could I not? Then I remembered breaking my mirror, and everything else, yesterday, and I understood why I wouldn't've noticed them at all or at least gone over to say, "Hi, welcome to the neighborhood!"

He can't be my neighbor, it's crazy! Maybe it's just a coincedence, or maybe...not. He got onto the bus at the same time as me on the way to school earlier...

"Well, maybe I am!" Greyson exclaimed, then we quickly sat back down and acted as bored as possible as we heard the principle down the hallway.

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