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Ummmmmmm, this chapter has some lime in it! If you don't know what that is then it's sexual things like kissing, making out, hickeys, so forth... it's like a lemon but less graphic.

There is lime in this chapter

You were warned

Don't read unless 18 or older

Or have parents permission

Actually, don't tell your parents.

Or tell your parents, I don't know.

You were warned.


Tears fell from my eyes as I covered them with my hands. They are going to kill me and my friends, I'm going to die.

Liu scooted closer towards me as he put an arm around my shoulder giving me a side hug. He was always so awkward with stuff like this but I appreciate it nonetheless.

I cried a little as I removed my hands from my face and turned a bit giving him a hug. I clung to him as I cried into his shoulder, the thought never left my head.

They are going to kill me.

I won't see my parents, I won't have a family, I won't be able to get married, I'll die and be forgotten. I cried more as different scenarios entered my head, dark thoughts started to cloud my judgment.

"It will be okay" I heard Liu whisper to me as he patted my head in a comforting way. How could he no so sure? He wasn't sure about Carrah. He can't protect me 24/7, he just can't.

I trembled a bit as I thought of my friends back at the tent. What's going to happen to them? Why am I like this? God, I want to drink and just forget this ever happened. Just to forget.

I sniffles a bit as I gain some control over myself. I let go of the hug as I wiped my tears.

"May I have a drink?" I mumbled as I wiped more of my tears away, "and a tissue please" my voice not going above a whisper.

"All we have is alcohol since my friend loves to drink.." he trailed off trying not to give off to much information about his friend.

I contemplated if I should accept some alcohol or not but I'm tired and upset. I told him the alcohol would be fine and he left to retrieve the things.

I sat there in silence as I waited patiently for my things. Only silent tears fell from my eyes as I looked into the abyss. I couldn't think straight from all these flashbacks and information.

It didn't matter, Liu was here. At least I have some company, he was always so sweet and caring. God I missed the simpler days.

My head turned towards him as he entered the room with a bottle of vodka, two glasses and some tissues.

"Hope this helps" he mumbled as he sat next to me placing the items on the small table in front of us. I quietly thanked him and blew my nose with the tissue. I sat it on the table as I would get it later.

He turned on some random movie and poured two glasses for us, I'm underaged but It's not like I never had any type of alcoholic drink before. I had small things but it still counts.

I thanked him once more as wiped some more tears and began to sip on my drink. Immediately it burned and I choke a little as Liu glanced towards me.

It went down the wrong pipe as I coughed some more.

He patted my back trying to ease the coughing fit which helped a bit.

"Thank you" I coughed out as it started to settle, he nodded and turned his head towards the movie.

I swallowed some more as I watched the movie in awe, it was some random movie but it feels like I'm on a date. It felt... nice.

I glanced over at Liu who took another sip of his drink and focused on the movie. I smiled a bit and turned my head towards the movie as well.

After about an hour I can tell you I was wasted, I drank a lot- maybe 2-3 bottles with Liu? I hiccuped as my face was hot.

My friends and family where long gone from my head as I laughed along with Liu who was telling me funny stories about his childhood.

"Wait wait wait, you did what?" I laughed as his face grew red.

"IT WAS ONE TIME" he yelled in defense as we both laughed in unison. My body was hot as I sipped some more vodka.

"Ya ya whatever lover boy" I teased as he smirked a bit taking off his scarf and making it into a little lasso.

He then pretended he was a cowboy and threw the lasso at me as it went around my head. I laughed as he pulled me in close towards my flustered face.

"Looks like I caught a cutie" he teased back as I giggled with delight, or maybe because I was drunk.

"Looks like you did" I mused as he chuckled sending a weird feeling down my back. He leaned in a bit as I closed my eyes.


LIME UP AHEAD, don't read unless 18 or older (or you have parents permission.. you could be a rebel as well Lolol )!! Thank you!!

I felt his hot breath hovering over my lips as I leaned in closer.

Soon our lips locked on, sending me such passion. I loved it, maybe because I was intoxicated or maybe because I loved him.

I smiled a bit into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer while he gently pushed me on the couch; keeping a grip on me.

He nibbled on the bottom of my lip as I denied his request. He then punched my sides a bit as I gasped giving him the chance to slip his tongue in my mouth, exploring all around.

He broke apart soon after as we both were trying to get the oxygen flowing in our bodies some more, he looked down upon me as my chest raised and fell to the rhythm of my breathing. I was a flustered mess as he leaned down kissing my cheek down to my neck;
Sending shivers of delight all around my body.

An unknown sound escaped my lips as he smirked against my skin, nibbling on my tender spot.

My breathing became a little rapid as he kissed the same spot, biting down a little in the process.

I winced a bit as my mind was clouded with endless scenes that could happen, I didn't mind much though.

I smiled a little as I felt him started to suck a little- my mouth opened to say something but all that came out was the same sound from earlier. God, it felt so good.

I wonder where the night will take us.


Sorry, this needs to happen for there to be book 2 and maybe 3. You already know there will be a baby unless you never read the authors notes then surprise.

Also, I might do a lemon chapter

If my viewers want it though it will be a separate chapter. Or I could just do "then the night took a weird yet wonderful turn" and let your imagination do the rest. I haven't decided yet.

It's really up to you guys if you want one or not, I have never done a lemon chapter in my life so it would be new if you guys choose yes for it.

Anyways, love you all!!

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