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Hope you like my story so far!!
Follow me on YouTube: Bloomatea

Follow me on Instagram: Bloomatea and Anime_fondness

Please give lots of love to YoominIsGreat for letting me use their OC called Rosé!!

Please enjoy the book~

            We made it to my friends, I took off running to the nearest one which just so happens to be Kaspien.

I knelt down beside her as I scanned her unconscious body, she had cuts and some bruises that were beginning to form.

"Oh god" I mumbled as I delicately touched her hand, she squirmed a bit in response and groaned as her eyes started to open ever so slightly.

"Kas" I quietly cheered as she shut her eyes a bit, probably from the pain.

"Kas can you hear me?" I asked as she tried to open her eyes so more, her head moved up and down slightly as if giving me a small nod.

"Okay" I began, "we are leaving the forest once I wake up the others." I informed her as she groaned a bit more while trying to sit up.

"What about," her voice was parched from lack of water, "Carrah." She managed to get out.

"Another time." I answered as I got up and went to the others.



Jeff only watched as everyone started getting up in pain.

He turned a bit, looking back from where he left his canine companion. He needed to go back and help but he also needed to get these girls back home safely. He couldn't understand why he wanted them safe, well he could.

He didn't care for the girls to get home safe as long as -y/n- was safe, that's all that matters, though -y/n- would have his head if he let her friends die.

Not only that but Liu would have his head as well and he had enough people coming after him as it is, he can't afford to fuck this up.

"Let's get going, we don't have all night." He inquired as he lifted his hood above his head, the girls took notice of his presence and quickly put up their guard; unknowingly.

Jeff took noticed and sighed a bit to himself while -y/n- was oblivious by her friends attitudes.

"I'm not the threat here ladies" Jeff spoke, "I'm on your side." He finished while turning his head a bit, "at the moment" he mumbled to himself.

"Let's go" he told them as he turned and walked into the thicket of woods, the girls looked at one another as -y/n- was already following Jeff.

About 10 minutes in they could see the outline of the tree line hitting open space, they found the way out.

All of them were relived but some of them were still upset that they didn't get the chance to get Carrah, hopefully there will be another time that they could get her back.

They all exited the forest as some where sore from the battle, their bodies were not used to this much fighting.

"I'll escort some of you back home" Jeff mumbled as he looked at the group of girls.

"They are still out there, I'll get the ones who live the farthest from here" He told us as we all looked at each other and silently agreed.

Just then Liu and Ben emerged from the thickets; badly injured.

"Fuck" Ben yelled as Liu sat down in the grass trying to catch his breath. blood and cuts coated their clothing.

"What the fuck did you two do to piss of the guard dogs" Ben yelled at Liu and Jeff as Liu shot a glare towards his direction.

The tension in the air went stiff as the two injured boys were furious, though Liu seemed to be keeping his calm; well, trying too.

"I mean seriously" Ben went on, "those fuck faces didn't go down without a fight even though they were injured. Not only that this new chick joined in and fucking overpowered us" He explained as he passed back and forth out of anger.

Jeff looked over at his short friend, his friends face getting red from rage.

"What new chick?" Jeff asked, "there should have only been 5 proxies" he trailed off, "and they are all males!!!!" He raised his voice a bit at the end.

Ben stopped and looked at his pale friend, "There was this one chick who had shoulder length blonde hair, pale skin, with green eyes" he paused a bit, "I think they called her Rosé" he shrugged a little, not caring if he pronounced her name right or not.

"What the fuck" Jeff mumbled to himself as he tried to think of who this person could be.

"Do you think it's a new recruit?" Jeff asked as Ben's anger subconsciously went down as he thought about the question.

"Possibly" he answered as he sat in the grass.

"Did she have any weapons on her?" Jeff asked as Liu looked up a bit, "she did" Liu spoke up.


"Sheers?" Jeff repeated the male in disbelief, "who the fuck uses sheers?" He asked no one.

"Apparently her" Ben interjected which earned him a glare.

"No shit Sherlock" Jeff shot back as he scanned the group.

"Never mind her, we need to get these girls home and get my dog" He started, "and do some more research" with that the two boys got up from the grass.

"I'll take -y/n- and her friend" Liu quietly said as he walked over to them as Ben and Jeff split up the other girls.

With that they went on their way unaware of the presence watching them from the tree line shadows.

She smiled to herself as she gripped the sheers in her hand.


I'm more excited for the next chapter since it's alone time with Liu and you~ well there's kas but for the most part it is you two~

Hope you like it~

:D I'm trying to stay positive Oof-

Just to let you guys know, if there comes a day where I can no longer update my lovely wife, aka close friend of mine, Kaspien (yes the kas on the story) will finish it!!

I've been having bad mood swings again and my depression is in overdrive at the moment.

Since it is close to November, Thanksgiving, and December, Christmas, I will be locking myself away from family members.

>.> not like they care, they told me countless of times- most of them. So yea, I do have backups if something were to happen to me so don't worry about the book!! My lovely friend will most likely keep it going!! Cause she's amazing!!

Love you wifey~ Lolol kaspiens

Love you all!! ^^ <3

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