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Please enjoy!!

Kinda rushed Oof

Let me thank sillycookie1603 for letting me use her OC Jackie!! She didn't get much time or anything in this chapter but it helped with the making of this chapter so thank you so much for letting me use her!! Please go give her a follow!!

Follow me on Instagram: anime_fondness

         I looked around the room, the atmosphere had dropped significantly. Something dark and illumines was lurking in the shadows. Why, why did it have to be me.

"Who's there?" I questioned the anonymous voice. I slowly got out of my bed scanning my whole room.

"Get back into bed sweetheart" the voice slightly demanded.

I tried to look around and locate where the voice was coming from.

"What if I don't?" I argued as I was heading for the light switch.

"Bold move" the voice chuckled and then the lights began to flicker on and off.

"What the" My voice trailed off and I stopped in my tracks.

"Get back on your bed now" the voice sternly stated, "or else something horrible might happen" the voice chuckled once more.

I didn't want to push whoever it was further, I wasn't about to take the chance.

I did what was ordered of me and walked to my bed and sat there, obediently.

"Alright, what do you want?" I quested the voice, "also, show your self" I insisted the voice.

The voice didn't say anything for a few minutes, I felt intimidated to say the least. Out of nervousness I started moving a little bit in my spot, this was becoming a routine it seemed.

"You already know who I am, I have a little friend with me that helped with the lighting" the voice spoke, "I will make my presence known to you. Don't scream love"

I shivered a bit from his statement and kept my mouth shut. There was nothing for me to say- well there was a lot of things for me to say but right now isn't the best timing.

"Close your eyes" the voice requested, more like demanded.

I did what I was told and closed my eyes. Suddenly I could fell my fear building up more and my breathing became uneven.

I jumped a bit when I heard the voice speak once more.

"Jackie, lights on" once those words left his mouth I heard the lights flicker on.

"Open your eyes"

Immediately I opened my eyes to see the mystery person.



"Sully" He had cut me off, "it's Sully sweetheart" he gave me a cheeky grin.

"Alright" I spoke softly, "Sully" I trailed off a bit, "what do you want?" I questioned him as I gazed up at his face.

He chuckled a bit and looked at the light.

"Jackie you may leave for now, I got it from here" he mumbled as the light flickered a bit.

He looked back at me as he pulled his scarf up covering his mouth. He took a seat on the edge of my bed and pulled out his knife. He examined it a bit wondering about God knows what.

I gazed at him thinking what I should do.

Should I yell? Scream? Beg for answers? Beg for my life? The questions were endless, my best option was to sit and stay silent.

I've met Sully before and he isn't as friendly as Liu- I got that much.  He seems to act on impulse and has no problem hurting anyone or anything to get what he wants.

Ruthless to say the least.

I can't afford to disobey or do anything rash when he's around, I need to think this through.

It seemed like forever as the silence filled the room, it was like I was drowning in silence.

"Hey (y/n)"

I stiffened a little from my name being called by him.

This time though, his voice seemed softer. I didn't think Sully had such a soft voice.

Could this be Liu now?

"Yea...?" I whispered softly, I didn't want to anger him if it really was Sully playing a trick on me.

"It's me- Liu" he mumbled as he glanced at me. I looked at him, kinda relieved that Sully left for a bit.

"Liu" I whispered, "do you know what happened to Carrah?" I asked as I had some sort of confidence now, I know Liu.

He's sweet, caring, can be shy, generous, and he puts others before himself. He was an amazing older brother to Jeffrey and an amazing friend to me.
He was like a huge, soft teddy bear. So gentle and sweet, he had a big heart. 

I glanced at the knife in his hand from when Sully took it out.

He had a big knife.

He seemed to catch my eyes on it and quickly put it back into his pocket.

"I uh, I don't know who took her exactly.." he mumbled as he looked at my pictures on my dresser.

"It could be any of them"

"Them?" I muttered, "what do you mean them?" I looked at him with confusion.

He gave me a sorrowful look as he tried to avoid eye contact.

"There's a lot of them- these things" he began, "they aren't necessarily human" he got up and paced around my room, examining everything.

I tried to put the pieces together.

"These things you say.. are they after me? My friends? My family? If so, what do they want and why?" I questioned him as I got up from my bed.

He stopped pacing around and turned towards me.

"They want you, you're friends and family are just pawns to their own game- to lure you in" He explained as he went and sat on the edge of my bed once more.

"Why me?" I asked in disbelief, "I'm nothing special, I'm average" I remarked as I sat on my bed once more as well.

"They want you silent, you know to much- well not really right now but you have been involved to much for him to let it go- to let you go" he mumbled as he looked at me for any sign of understanding.

"Him" I pointed out, "who's him?"

He looked at me, dead in the eyes.

"The Operator"


Ayyyyyeeee look at that!! Stuff is getting interesting now!!

The Operator is Slenderman btw, in the marble hornets it's what Tim and Brian referred him as. 

Hope you like it!!

Liu is sweet, no?

I think he's sweet XD

Till next time!! Love you guys!

Homicidal Liu x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora