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Made a deal with galaxycake8

So keeping my end of the bargain... here's the next chapter!!

It's 11:50 pm here lolol

If you don't like the choices in this chapter read the bottom authors note!! It should make sense!!



'What am I gonna do?' I thought to myself.

'Think (Y/N), think'

They inched closer as I took off my shoes.

"Look, who are you two and what do you want from me?" I asked, more like demanded.

They looked at each other and the guy with the scarf began to speak.

"You need to come with us, you're not safe" he informed me as his hand reached out for me.

I took steps back and threw one of my shoes at him- hitting him in the face.

"Fuck off!" I yelled at him, he seemed to be stunned at my out burst as one of his hands held his face.

The other dude seemed to have stopped, he was wearing a black hoodie and he looked like to be wearing some sort of mask.

"I thought you told me she was a gentle girl and didn't cuss" He accused the guy with the scarf.

"She normally doesn't act like this" the scarf guy grumbled as he bent down and picked up my shoe.

"I guess she changed" he whispered more so to himself as he looked at my shoe.


"Just grab her before the elf gets here. Dark is barely holding him back" he sneered at the masked dude.

'Who's dark?' I wondered as I looked at the two before me.

"The cops are coming so I suggest you two back off" I threatened as I held my shoe out in defense while holding my bag of chips.

They looked at each other and the scarf dude began to snicker.

All of a sudden his voice changed into a dark venomous one, I've heard that voice before.

"Look sweet cheeks, we don't have time to play. Did you honestly think you were talking to the police?" He began to snicker in amusement.

'Of course I was talking to the police, she sounded like she was the operator for the police' I thought as I kept my eyes on them.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned as I gripped my shoe tighter in my hand.

"Doesn't matter, no one is here to save you. Now be good and play nice dolly" with that he lunged at me.

I barely avoided it as I threw my other shoe at him, hitting his head.

The other guy seemed to take action and ran towards me. I wasted no time dropping my chips and picking up my dress to run.

I ran down the street I came from, I saw the masked guy running after me as the scarf dude got up and ran to his car.


There was no one out and it was gonna be a while till I get to my house- or any.

"Fuck" I cursed under my breath.

I can feel him catching up.

'What can I do? what can I do?' My mind was raising as my legs kept running. Darn it, this dress is slowing me down but I can't do anything about it.

I looked into the woods.

'I could lose him in there and plus the car couldn't drive in there'

I looked back in front of me in the rode.

'Okay, if I go in the woods I could weave around and lose him rather than run in a straight line down the rode and have the car on my ass'

Now I understood why people in horror movies run in the woods.

If there is no other option the best place is to take cover somewhere- it just so happens to be the woods.

At least then, if I go in the woods the car couldn't follow me and I have a better chance at hiding and losing the people.

This is the best option offered right now.

I cursed and ran into the woods.

If there were houses I would run to them or to cars, but I'm not close to any civilization so this is the best option.

Either this or be in the open.

I heard the guy curse as he followed after me.

My feet began to hurt, but I paid them no mind, my adrenaline was kicking in.

I ducked and pushed passed branches, the guy was struggling as I heard the car screeched to a stop.

'Ha! Can't follow me with that car!' I cheered a bit in my mind for my quick thinking and pushed passed the thicket.

The other guy caught up to the masked dude and I could hear them cussing loudly, their big frame couldn't squeeze passed the branches and bushes.


I need to find my way around them and get to the road again so I can go home quickly.

I ran deeper in the woods and made a right turn.

'Alright, lets put my knowledge to the test' I thought, 'now I know why the people do what they did in the movies- at least the smart ones' I finished my thoughts as I ran faster, my breathing became quicker and lots of pants.

I couldn't really hear them anymore, hopefully they given up.

I took a glance behind me, nothing. Perhaps they hadn't notice I took a different turn.

Good for me!

I slowed down a bit to catch my breathing.

The masked dude however, he looked somewhat familiar...
who is he?
Hope you liked it!!

Hopefully it makes sense to run in the woods sometimes, it's better to find shelter than be in open!

If someone is chasing you and there are no houses or cars around then find some hiding spots!!

Don't stay in the open! Especially if they have a car!!!!!

Follow me on instagram: @// anime_fondness

Thank you!

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