I think this is a fanfic for yoi

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"WHICH OF YOU BONEHEADED COWS FORGOT TO MAKE MY TEA" The shouts are followed with louds crashes and a plethora of curses uttered in Russian.

A girl with long silky blonde hair, dip dyed in pastel blue, races up a flight of stairs towards the noise, eyes rolling, curses escaping from her own mouth.

As she reaches for the golden handle to yank open the ornate wooden door infront of her it flys open for her, knocking her backwards.

She stumbles and glares at the perpetrator coming face to face with none other than the Prince Yuri Plisetsky Katsuki-Nikiforov.

A. K. A. Her twin brother.

"Watch out idiot", she glares at her twin.

"Sorry", it's barely there, shed not have heard it if not for the sudden quiet, with the absence of Yuri's shouting.

"Whatever, hurry up and get ready, we have appointments", Yuri groans at his sisters words.

"But I have no tea"

"Nonsense I'm sure one of your maids will make you some, especially after that performance", she rolls her emerald eyes.

"I want your tea though", Yuri looks defeated, "I don't want theirs anymore, I like yours, you make it just like Mother used to"

She winces As her chest constricts at the mention of their late mother.

"Fine, have a shower and get dressed then come down and I'll make us tea"

Yuri's eyes light up, "and pancakes?"

"I can make those", a tall red headed girl with eyes like pools appears cautiously next to Yuri.

"Thank you Mila, that would be appreciated", Mila is the twins personal chef, she's just three years older than the pair but her cooking is divine.


"Hey Connor?" Yuri cautiously opens the door to his sisters room personal kitchen area.

Each of them had a floor of the castle instead of a room.

She looked up in surprise at her brothers use of her actual name.

She saw his red eyes and tear strained cheeks and understood, he only ever called her that when he was upset.

"Hey Yura what's wrong?", her features softened as she brought tea and the plates of pancakes that Mila had prepared over to the breakfast bar.

"I just, were going to be eighteen tomorrow sis, I guess I'm nervous", Yuri sat down and began stuffing his face.

It was rare for Yuri to display such vulnerability, even towards his sister, even with such a close relationship as what they shared, Yuri was normally cold, sassy and rarely showed a lot of vulnerability.
He let his emotions show to his sister but not often in ways like this.

But then, she was the same, the death of their mother had rocked their world, it hadn't helped having had press shoved in their faces immediately afterward.

Connor was grateful for their mothers close friend, Viktor Nikiforov, a Russian noble who took over the throne.

The kind man had only been twenty when he took over the throne and he and his then fiancé (now husband) Yuuri Katsuki, 'adopted' the twins at just seven.

"I miss Mum Connor, she always said she'd be here to help us every step of the way, but we're eighteen tomorrow and where is she? Im expected to be taking over the country in less than two years and i have no idea how"

Literally just a bunch of stuff that I doubt I'll continue Where stories live. Discover now