Competetive Riding Story thing

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"You ride like a girl", his lip curls back as he sneers at me.

"Maybe that's why I'm over here jumping a meter fifty and you're still working on proper position", I retort.

He shuts his mouth quickly, scowling at me.

I flash a smirk in his general direction and nudge the big black gelding beneath me into a powerful canter.

I circle him around and point him at the first question of the course, a bright purple oxer.

I set him up perfectly, eyeing the strides I collect him up to gain control and two strides out I just send him, he lunges forward, throwing himself elegantly over the jump, my body in brilliant sync with him as he arcs perfectly over it. My eyes trained on the next jump, a blue and yellow double.

He lands lightly and I eye the striding, collecting him and asking for as much control as he'll give within the next six strides.

He charges on but listens eagerly to my every cue, sailing over the next jump and making two massive strides between it and the third.

We twist around and continue on, flying elegantly over every jump in the course, not a single error.

As we land the final jump, a gruff voice rings out.

"Perfect  Khloe! Cool him out and put him away." Morgan, the head coach and owner of Arlington Barn, calls from the sidelines.

I nod and send a thankyou his way as I give the gelding, Rocky, a hearty pat as I allow the reins to slip through my fingers, his head slipping down and stretching out.

I walk him for a good five minutes before slipping out of the smooth leather saddle and leading him back through from the huge indoor arena to the massive stable block.

As I'm heading down one of the aisles towards Rocky's stable, a short, dark haired man with a clip board comes strutting up next to me.

"Miss Darling, top performance just now," his voice is nasally and his toothy grin appears more like a grimace.

"Thanks," I look down at him, which is weird because I'm pretty short but he's just tiny.

"Now, I have your competition schedule for Constant Rambling here for the next two months," he taps his clipboard as he refers to the horse beside me by his show name.

"Thank you Mr Yarl, I'll be sure to make it to as many of them as possible," I smile politely.

Mr Kenton Yarl is one of three ridiculously rich men who pay me to ride and compete the incredibly expensive competition horses they bought when they were drunk and most likely trying to impress someone. Or at least that's how I see it.

Between the three men and the horses I ride for Mr Arlington as well as my own little project horse, I ride twelve horses on rotational schedules through the week.

Mr Yarl looks up at me rather impatiently, "no no Miss Darling, you've been entered in all of them and along side Master Fox you will be required to attend every single one, and I expect top three in each class," his voice is nasally and annoying.

My other clients and Morgan are relatively understanding of the fact that I ride and compete so many horses and that I'm not just working for them alone, Mr Yarl however, doesn't grasp the idea so well.

"Sir I work twelve horses and regularly compete nine of them, I can't-," he interrupts me by clearing his throat.

"Make that eleven and eight Miss Darling, I've transferred Omniferous to Master Fox, I want them to be competing at the same level this season."

Literally just a bunch of stuff that I doubt I'll continue Where stories live. Discover now