This ones just titled 'Tattoo' and idk what it is

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It all started with a single bullet.

At least that's where I like to start it. I've always been a sort of melodramatic child, it only adds to my charisma.

Anyway, if my dad hadn't used that single bullet I probably wouldn't be in this situation.

He said she was gonna die anyway, that he'd rather see her die quickly than painfully.

Personally I think having a bullet rip through your skull would be rather painful. Even if you only felt it for like a millisecond.

She wasn't sick, he was, sick in the head that is. He said he'd had a vision. That a fairy in his vision told him his beloved wife was dying a painful death and he should just make it easier. What a load of steaming bull shit that was huh.

The doctors said she was fine, they did an autopsy apparently.

That's what the shaking police officer told me the day he found me, I remember his reaction when he realised that the search of the house his comrades had done three days earlier had somehow missed he five year old hiding behind the couch.

I didn't have the heart to tell him I hadn't been there the whole time.

But I digress, as I was saying, if it wasn't for that bullet, I wouldn't be in this fucked situation, sitting in a room with nine guys ranging from sixteen to eighteen, and the old government guy at the front.

"Before I begin I would like to take a moment to thank you all, on behalf of the team, for your volunteering in this investigation", his voice is raspy and slow.

He goes on for a while about sponsors and things while I stare uninterested at my hands.

"And now, moving on to your roles in the investigation", he clears his throat.
"As you can see we have nine of you young men and one young lady who we are very grateful to have volunteering"

I snort, "I didn't come willingly"

I get some curious looks from the boys and a stern one from the man up front.

"As you know this experiment is about a myriad of subjects, including rape culture and inter-sex trust". A few of the boys look at me interestedly, some even excited.

"For six months the ten of you will live together, for the first two weeks you will have no contact with the outside world, slowly we'll let you go out into society more and more", he takes a sip from a glass of water.
"Any one of you violating our female subject here and making her feel unsafe will be removed and reprimanded immediately, the males left at the end will be the ones are most trusted by our female subject"
I roll my eyes.
"Each day our young lady will be dressed by our scientists, you will all treat this young lady the way you would in everyday society, at the end of the experiment results will be recorded and used to hopefully help prevent rape culture and build more of a trust between the genders"

I bark out a laugh, "I know how you could do that without all this shit"

The man glares at me and I glare right back, fully intending to make this 'experiment' as difficult as possible.

We're all ushered into another room, this time with a bunch of professional looking people in lab coats, were each handed a set of clothes and shoes and told to shower and change, I do as I'm told and step into the shower, I strip off and stand under the warm water.

I shave and wash my hair before drying off and slipping into the outfit handed to me, it's almost resemblant of a school uniform with a fairly tight fitted, short sleeved, button down shirt and tie. I then slip the low rise, dark denim shorts onto my hips before pulling on the thigh length socks and over-the-knee length boots.

I leave the top two buttons of the shirt undone, not that it leaves much to the imagination anyway, working with the low shorts it reveals some of the skin around my waist and it's tight fit hugs all my curves.

I do the tie up around my neck and leave it hanging loosely, quickly attempting to rub my waist length black hair dry with the towel.

I leave it hanging and step out of the cubical, I'm immediately swarmed by three stylists, "pick any hair colour"

Another one gets in my face, "how would you like your makeup done?"

"Pick a name", the third one says.

They're energetic and full on and strangely enough it makes me want to be the same.

I turn to the first, "ombré blue from the roots please", the guy nods, running a hand through his hot pink hair as he walks away to prepare the dye. I turn to the next, "keeping that in mind, something hot", she nods and turns to start ruffling through a huge suitcase. Then I turn to the final girl, "a name huh?", she nods.

"Strange I know, it's a requirement though, they wouldn't say why", she shrugs, "I have a small catalogue of names and meanings if you want to look, it seems like Jasper is ready for you over there, so you can just look through while you get your hair down if you like?"

I nod and she heads into a small cubicle before coming back with a small catalog.

I obey the hair stylist, Jasper, and sit in the chair infront of him. As he begins working on my hair I flick open the catalogue.

"Ombré blue from the roots huh? What made you go with that?"

"I've always wanted to do it, you said any colour so"

Literally just a bunch of stuff that I doubt I'll continue Where stories live. Discover now