I feel like this is just kind of aesthetic

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Sky scrapers, as high as the clouds, people everywhere, cars and taxis and people.

Welcome to New York.

I step out of the airport into the car park, we drive through streets full of buildings that reach the stars, people everywhere.
There's some kind of magic here.

There's magic everywhere really, I mean when you think about it.

The taxi pulls up outside my new apartment building.

I take a deep breath and haul my large suitcase and duffel bag inside the main doors.

I glance around, the foyer is beautiful, with its marble floors and intricate designs climbing up the concrete pillars, the polished wood or the feature wall and the colours of the rest of the walls.

I walk over to what appears to be a mini Starbucks lounge, a couple of people occupying some of the seats, sipping their caffeinated drinks.

I look around and head back a little ways to the front desk.

"Hi there", a young blonde woman smiled up at me from the other side of the desk, "How may I help you?"

I grin back as I reply, "Well I'm supposed to move in today", she nods and starts tapping keys on the high tech computer infront of her.


"Adrienne Kennedy", she taps a few more keys and smiles at me again.

"Welcome Miss Kennedy, here", she hands me a key on a fancy keychain, "is your spare key, and here", she hands me a black and gold key card, "is your key card"

"Thankyou", she holds out a plastic folder full of papers.

"That's a bunch of information about the amenities available to you here, the key card is your main key, you use that to get to the private area, any amenities and your room, the spare key will also let you do that it's just harder", she smiles.

I smile back and nod, "thankyou so much"

"No problem, welcome to the building, your room is 11024 on the eleventh floor, good luck", she points towards a large glass door which I walk into, it leads to another sort of foyer, it's only small and theres another large glass door at the other side but it's locked, on the right wall is a large panel, room numbers all over it and buttons next to each number, all with a little speaker/microphone next to them.

That's for guests I suppose, I walk over to the door and rest my key card on the scanner, it clicks and swings open, I hurry through and down a roomy passage of sorts, several doors on each side, some of them clear glass, some frosted, there's three gyms, two pools, a sauna in each pool area, to spas, there's a cinema and a private cafe, a community lounge and a games room type thing.

The place is, contrary to first impressions of the outside, absolutely huge.

I reach the end of the hallway and get into the elevator.

As the doors are closing I see at the other end of the hall, right next to the door to the mini foyer, another elevator.

I facepalm but I'm soon distracted by the movement of the elevator, according to the numbers on the wall there's thirty two floors.

The elevator dings and the doors open, I step out into a carpeted hallway and begin making my way down it.

I follow the numbers and take a couple of turns until I find myself standing infront of room 11024. My new apartment.

I take a deep breath and swipe my new card, the door clicks unlocked and I push it open, I drag my bags in and look around, the entrance hallway has marble flooring and the walls are the perfect shade of light charcoal, the lights in the ceiling imitate sun lights and the whole space feels so welcoming, there's several pieces of art on the two walls and I roll my eyes.

I head down the hall and end up in an open plan kitchen, dining, lounge area.
I look around to find it fully furnished and decorated, a note sitting on the charcoal ceaser stone bench top.

'Hi Adrienne,

I hope you don't mind but I had the placed furnished and decorated, anything you don't like can be changed immediately just call.

Jameson Kennedy'

I snort, "the asshole couldn't even be bothered with niceties",
I scrunch up the note and chuck it in the bin.

I look around the apartment, picking the best of the three rooms as my own.
It's quite a large room with a gold and blood colour scheme, a king size canopy bed in the center, the mahogany wood frame matching the wood of the dresser, cupboard, desk, shelves and bedside tables. The doona is blood red shot through with golden swirly patterns.

I unpack my bags, folding my few clothes and putting them in the drawers of the dresser. I go to hang the single dress I own into the cupboard only to find it stocked with a plethora of brand new clothes and so many new shoes in the shoe rack.

I shrug and get to putting my books and a few trinkets on shelves, deciding that I'll look through the clothes later.

I plug in my phone charger and set my things up in the ensuite.

The ensuite has a colour scheme all of its own, it's every gentle grey you can think of shot through with electric teal and I have to say it really is lovely, the two rooms, although so different, complement each other perfectly.

I walk back through the apartment, noting the colour scheme of each room, the kitchen has colours that make me think wet sand and black ink, the lounge very similar but with shots of pomegranate seeds and honeycomb.

The spare bedrooms have matching colour schemes and are still so different.

It's well put together.

I go into the kitchen and put the state of the art kettle on to boil, I get out a mug, noticing that all the appliances and kitchen wear matches the colour scheme as well, the mug I pick is inky black with lightening strike patterns in the shade of the wet sand.

I look at the other mugs and see that they all appear to match one of the rooms of the house.

I smile to myself as I brew my coffee.

Suddenly a loud beep comes from a sleek electronic panel on the kitchen wall.

I jump about twenty feet in the air and take a while to realise that it's the doorbell.

I go over and press a button allowing me to talk into it.


The person on the other end clears their voice and then they speak.
"Hey, Adri?"

I frown at the use of my nickname, "yes?"

"It's me dipshit, don't sound so confused". I frown a moment and then realise.

"Ohh hey, sorry, I'll let you in hang on". I quickly

Literally just a bunch of stuff that I doubt I'll continue Where stories live. Discover now