'Perfectly Wrong' Modelling

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Street lights flickering and the faint sounds of cars out on the freeway, the slight blur of smoke and the heavy scent of smog.

My senses are filled with the city.

I walk quickly, head down, focused on my path.

A left, and then a right.

I'm nearly there, I seriously can believe they made me walk myself here.

What kind of fucking modelling agency makes an eighteen year old girl walk two kilometres, alone, at night, in the middle of the city.

I round the last corner, fuck this place is dodgy.

There's a guy sleeping out side a bar, people are smoking weed and getting drunk and I pray I got the address wrong.

I open my phone and check, nope. This is the place.

I groan inwardly and head inside. The place is smoky and there's cheap ass disco lights flashing around, the music is so loud I can't hear myself think and there's so many people in here, the air is sweaty.

I shove my way through the bodies towards the bar, I swear my ass is grabbed at least three times and two guys sling them selves around me, smelling of alcohol and sweat and slurring.

Finally I make it to the back where there's a bunch of camera equipment set up.

I sigh, making my way over and quickly spotting the shoot director.

She's a tall dark haired woman who dresses like a seventies hippie but she's nice enough.

I brush my blonde hair out of my eyes and square my shoulders.

"Roxy hun change the colour of that light for me", she gestures to one of the lighting techs.

I make my way over to her.

"Ahhh heres our star, honey you look great, head over to wardrobe and they'll sort you out", she gestures to the female bathroom and I nod, heading quickly there.

I step into the room and find wardrobe, makeup and hair set up in what appears to be a changing area.

I'm quickly whisked into a seat and people start playing with my hair and painting my face in makeup.

It's not long before I'm pushed back out onto set, dressed in a two piece cocktail dress, my eyes done smoky and my hair pinned half up.

Literally just a bunch of stuff that I doubt I'll continue Where stories live. Discover now