More Horses, i seriously forgot about these

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The first time I saw him he was dancing around the paddock in the most beautiful way.

Each buck and kick and jump seemed to flow so perfectly in a way I'd never seen anything flow before.

He ran right up to the fence in a way that seemed beautifully threatening and somehow I could not bring myself to step away.

The huge stallion had such grace about him and the threat he seemed posed could not hide the gentleness in his eyes.

When I asked to ride him the owner was hesitant.

"Well, he's kind of... difficult", the man looked me up and down in a way that was all to familiar.

"Sir, I deal with stallions every day, and some of the most difficult horses you'll find", I gave him and innocent look, "but if I have trouble I'll ask for help", I smirked and stood a little straighter, a little stronger.

"Well, I suppose", he sighed. I grinned and pulled the halter from his hand, slipping through the fence and clucking to get the stallions attention.

The horse came trotting over, his trot a flawless extended one, his sleek bay head high, his jet black mane flowing and his eyes glistening.

When he got to me he lowered his head, sticking his nose right in my face, I couldn't help the amused smirk that graced my features as I reached up to tap his nose away from mine, "now now, I don't care how much bigger you are than me, there's no room for such rudeness here".

I slipped the leather halter over his big head, fingering the golden nameplate with Ethereal Dance written in careful cursive.

I quickly lead him out of the paddock and followed the man through to the stables.

A few jabs with my elbow and I soon had the big stallions attention and respect, on the ground at least.

It wasn't until I went to swing the huge all purpose saddle onto his back that I really realised just how tall he was.

The lowest point of his back was taller than me.
I tuned to the man who had an amused smirk on his face.

"How tall is he exactly?"

"About 17.3 hands", he chuckled, "how tall are you?"

"Five foot two", he grinned and took the saddle for me, chucking it on and finishing up what I had begun.

I strapped on the fluro green jumping boots that were provided and lead him towards where I had seen an arena with some jumps set up.

I led him to a large mounting block and turned to the man, "would you mind setting those first couple to about two foot, then set one at three foot and the rest around four please?", I motioned to the jumps and he nodded.

I smiled and turned back to the stallion. "Alrighty", I pulled down both stirrups and vaulted from the mounting block onto his back, which was still a fair way.

I sat up, tucking my feet into the stirrups and asking for a walk, I settled into his huge but easy stride.

Suddenly the stallion tensed. His ears swivelled back, indicating that all of his attention was on me, he burst forward into a powerful canter, throwing his head around and chucking in a buck or two.

I laughed at his antics and settled in to let him get it out.

A few minutes and a few bucks later and he slowed back to his easy walk, his head tucked in and his ears twitching around.

He relaxed and gave in. I grinned, I finally had the stallions respect.

I took a glance at the man who was watching, he looked genuinely surprised.

I urged the huge steed into a beautiful extended trot, and though it threw me around, I managed to rise to it.

I pushed him through his paces before pushing him through shoulder ins, half passes, leg yields and flying changes.

When I was satisfied we were both warmed up I pushed him towards the two foot jumps, he took off, knocking them both and racing towards the four foot ones.

I pulled him away from them and had the man set the two footers back up.

I sent him over them several times until he began to respect the size of the jump.

When I had him flowing nicely over the two footers I tuned him towards the three foot jump.

He sailed over it nicely and I let him turn for the four footers, he leapt over them with miles to spare.

His jump was beautiful, it was smooth and flowy, and he kicked out his hind legs as he descended, ensuring that he never knocked a pole.

It was like flying.

I brought the stallion back to a walk and headed over to the owner.

Dismounting I turn to face the tall man.

"Name your price", I smile sweetly.

"I'll let him go for nothing less than three", I feel my eyes widen.
"Three thousand, don't look so scared, people keep sending him back, I want him gone".

I nod slowly, "why do they send him back?"

"No one ever tries him first, they buy him on looks and movement alone then when they get him home he's a total ass on the ground and then bucks them off so they send him back", he shakes his head sadly, "it's a shame, he's a wonderful horse once you get him under control, I'd keep him for myself if I didn't already have three", he chuckles, "plus, I ride western so there's no point".

I nod, then stick my hand out. "It's a deal, I'll give you three grand for him", he shakes my hand with a satisfied nod.

The man takes the steed from me to untack whilst I prepare my float, it was time to get this tornado with his pretty eyes and a heart beat back to my place.

Literally just a bunch of stuff that I doubt I'll continue Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu