Secret agents, sweet cars, and probably romance

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Screaming the lyrics to my favourite songs always has a calming effect on me.

It especially helps to calm the insane butterflies in my stomach at four o'clock on a Saturday morning as I head north towards the bustling Perth City.

The song comes to an end and I revel in the sexy roar of my deep purple Holden Commodore SS Ute's V8 engine.

Every agent at our agency is given a car of their choice as soon as they turn sixteen and get their L plates, the only condition is that the car has the capacity to be specially upgraded and modified to fit in with the needs and safety standards that the agent requires. Of course I've had my car picked since age ten.

Right as the intro chords of the next song begin playing they are suddenly cut off by a loud ringing.

I look to the handsfree screen and see that the caller id is none other than Cormac Findlay, also known as my annoying and over protective older brother.

I heave a sigh as I press the accept button.
"Hey Cor what's up?"

"Arden! You were supposed to get back three hours ago! Grant is pissed! We have a new assignment and your not here!" Damn, he's mad.

And of course Grant chose today to give us a new assignment.

"Look Cor, I'm like two hours away but I'll be there in one okay? Try and keep Grant chill till I get there", I have trouble keeping my smirk from seeping into my tone.

"No WAY Arden you drive at the right speed and on the road, I will deal with Grant, I'd rather have him mad than you dead you hear me?", he's not mad anymore, hes acting like it but his voice is pure concern.

"Fine fine, I'll see you in two hours then"
I shake my head and giggle as he hangs up and my music comes back on.

Technically I'm perfectly aloud to drive well over the speed limit and skip over some roads, all agents with their licence are.

As soo as we turn seventeen we get our licence, we have to pass a test first of course, but we don't have to do our P plates. I'm technically 17 years, six months and three days so I have access to my full licence and all of the benefits that come with it.
But Cormac doesn't let me do the more dangerous things.

He's 20 so technically he's my legal guardian since our parents were assassinated.

It sounds horrible but their death never affected me, I was only four months old when it happened. Even Cormac was only three at the time.

When we were younger he had trouble with the loss, but we had a brilliant up bringing in the agency just as our parents had requested.

My best friend Cass, one of the agency's top hackers, says that Cormac is over protective because I'm the only family he's got, he doesn't want to loose me too. She says that even though he no longer holds any raw memory of our parents, only the ones fed to us through stories of the celebrated agents whom gave us life, he still unconsciously holds the fear he felt as a three year old when our parents died, only now that fear has turned into a fear of losing me.


Two hours later and I'm cruising between sky scrapers as I move through Perth City.

It takes me exactly 2 minuets, 37 seconds and 43 milliseconds to reach the Crown Casino, slip into the underground car park, access the 'VIP' parking, in other words the parking that is only used by member of our government agency which include me:), and bolt up the stairs towards Grants office (after having parked my precious car of kilter taking up two spaces to avoid anyone parking too close of course) by the time I bolt through the black soundproof door of Grants personal office and sit down I'm not even puffing.

I silently thank my training and smile sweetly at my brother next to me.

He just frowns.

Suddenly a tall grey haired, grey eyed guy in a grey suit walks in and sits down behind his desk, he shoots me a tight smile that is only just hiding a glare. "Arden, glad you finally made it".

I nod curtly, "Grant"

He clears his throat and leans forward, he pushes two files across the desk towards us.

Both files have a name on the front and a number, I pick up my corresponding file and open it.

I then look back to Grant for explanation.

"You have been given a correlating mission you my-"

"So we're partners?" I interrupt, Grant looks unimpressed.

"Not exactly, your working on basically the same case, so your work correlated but you're going to two different places, Hadley, you're off to Russia, Cormac, you're off to Japan."

Cormac and I nod in unison, signalling for Grant to carry on.
"Cormac you will be going undercover as a rebelling government officer, you will need to infiltrate the Japanese Mafia group FireFight, all the information you need is in your folder."

Grant turns to me after receiving a nod of confirmation from my brother.

"You my dear Arden, are going under cover as a high school student transferring to a prestigious high school in Russia where one of Russia's top agents in your age bracket attends, the agent knows you're coming and you will work together to expose a man working in the government who is believed to being working closely with or even being a part of the Japanese Mafia which Cormac is infiltrating, once again everything you should need is in your file."

I nod quickly.

"You will both set off tomorrow at three forty five am, go get some sleep and pack your things, you could be there for a few months"

Cormac and I nod and stand in unison.

We exit the office and head down the hallway back towards the car park.

"How'd you go today?" He sounds nervous.

"Piece of cake w-"

"Oh that's why you were running three hours late? Cos it was just that easy", Cormac growls.

"Gee what's your problem I got it done better than expected so chill, I'm here I'm fine", I can't help the snappy tone my voice holds.

"Better than expected? Hadley you ended up three hours behind because for some reason you ended up going five hours further than you were supposed to!" His face is red.

By now we've made it out to my car.

"I-I don't know what you mean, I went to the address in Brunswick like I was told I-"

"No you didn't", I'm getting sick of being interrupted now, "I saw the tracking report, it comes up on my phone remember what could you have been doing all the way out near the Dragon Rocks Conservation Reserve huh? What the hell could possibly possess you to drive five hours out there on your own?", he's really mad now.

"I-I-i", i-i give up, "fine, I went to out there with a friend, to visit her grandma in hospital, if you must know", I can't help the huffiness of my voice.

I pull out my keys and unlock my car.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a cat to feed".

And with that I get into my car and lock the doors before driving away, leaving my brother to stare after me.

Fifteen minutes later I arrive at the massive apartment complex which houses twenty three of our agents all between the age of ten and twenty five.

I park in my designated spot and bolt up he first three flights of stairs, then I hop in the elevator up the next three to the sixth floor.
On my way down the hall to apartment sixty six I run into

Literally just a bunch of stuff that I doubt I'll continue Where stories live. Discover now