Yuri On Ice FF (idk if in supposed to call this a school au or not?)

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"Wait, so we're moving?", I stare up at my brother, I'm not sure how to explain the emotions swimming through my mind.

"I'm sorry Cami, I-",

"Beka, don't apologise, I say it every time, I'm happy to move", I smile.

"Ok, well, let me help you pack then, we'll leave in two days for XXXX,", he nervously runs a hand through his hair.

"I spoke to Yuri and he's still living with Yakov and his ex wife by he said we could move in and he'll move back in with us after worlds"
He grins and ruffles my hair, I smack his hand away and glare at him as I head down our tiny hall to the cupboard and begin pulling boxes out.

"So we're going to have a housemate?" I chew my lip nervously, wondering what Yuri could be like.

"Yeah but don't worry, Yuri's alright, you'll get along, or at least co-exist peacefully", he smiles nervously and I can tell that his new found friendship with Yuri means a lot to him.
"Now, let's go pack"

"You don't have to help Beka, you have worlds to train for, go practice"


"Go, I'll be done by the time you get back",
He grunts but complies, two minutes later I hear the sound of his bike speeding off down the road.

Two hours later I've packed my room, the kitchen and the lounge, deciding to leave Otabek's room and the bathroom for him.

I sit down on the couch with a freshly microwaved bowl of spinach and ricotta lasagne and a juice box.

I flick on the tv and polish off the lasagne by the time the end of the first add break comes on.

I chuck the paper plate in the bin and quickly wash the fork before putting it in the kitchen box.

as I'm walking down towards Otabek's room my phone begins vibrating in my pocket and seconds later the tone that my brother chose for himself fills my ears.

I answer and press the phone to my ear, I know what's coming,
"Hey Cami, hows packing?"

His words are slurred and I can almost smell the alcohol.

"Only the bathroom and your room for you to pack", I knew the answer I'd get to my next question but I ask anyway, I always do, "do you want me to warm dinner up for you?"

He lets out a breathy sigh, "that's ok, I'll eat here, I don't know how long I'll be so don't wait up ok", I sigh, knowing that both of us know that I will.

"Ok, stay safe, don't forget to drink some water and eat something and don't drive home"

He lets out a chuckle, "I promise"

I hang up and step into his room, I pull open the closet and grab one of his shirts before heading to my own room for fresh undergarments and then to the bathroom for a quick shower.

I snuggle up on the couch with my phone in my grip and a blanket pulled right around my figure.

I begin to think, no longer paying attention the the movie, I let my mind wander to my brother, I can picture him and this afternoons events even though I wasn't there.

Him at the rink, skating, trying so hard, but I know he would have had so much on his mind that not even skating can clear it.
Everything goes to shit and he leaves.
He ends up at the local pub, drinking his feelings away, then he'll hook up with some girl that throws herself at him, usually a taken one, and come home the next day not remembering anyone's name or how he got the bruises.

I snap from my thoughts as my phone rings, and as I look at the caller ID I scold myself, my thoughts about my brother make it sound like that kind of thing happens all the time, it doesn't, I promise, but it's been happening a little more lately.

"Uh, hello?"

I realise that I'd answered the call but not yet answered it.

"Oh, um. Sorry, h-hello", I mentally curse myself.

"Camilla? Otabek's little sister right?"

"Uh-um, yes", his strong Russian accent takes me by surprise, "who is this?", I manage to force a bit of confidence into my voice.

"It's Yuri"

"Oh, um, would you mind if I ask how you got my number?"

"Otabek gave it to me, in case I couldnt get through to him"

"Oh, Ok, well I don't mean to be rude but it's... almost eleven at night, what could you possibly need?"

He huffs a little, "I don't know, I had like thirteen missed calls from his number but when I tried calling him back there was no answer"

I frown, "so is he home?"

"N-no he's not"

"Do you know where he is"



"Uh", what do I say? It's not my place to tell. "He's out"

"Right, can u get him to call me when he gets back"

"Yeah sure"

"Ok, bye"


"Oh your welcome" I huff.

And then decide that I should probably add Yuri to my contacts.

I quickly add in his number under the name 'Grumpy Yuri' and quickly search up pictures of Yuri Plisetsky.

Pleased with the range of pictures to choose from I scroll through until I find a photo from some fan girls blog which is creepily dedicated to Yuri. The photo is from the recent season, in it Yuri looks angry, he's holding a large cat plushy and wearing white cat ears

Literally just a bunch of stuff that I doubt I'll continue Where stories live. Discover now