Kind of, rich kids romance and that kind of thing

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"Hey Chasey Pooh mind if we don't stop here",
My older brother glares at me.

"You know neither of us want to, but we have to"
He smirks.
"Hunter James don't be so rude", he puts on a posh accent, mimicking our strict grandmother.

But then, just before, I was mimicking her too.
If you can't tell from the differences in address, grandma isn't so fond of me.

I'm the second child see, and I'm a girl.

Grandma think mother and father should have stopped after their first child.
Especially since he was a male.

But then I happened.

"Can I stay in the car, you go see her"

Chase looks at me, already flustered.

"No, you must come, I'll never hear the end of the 'Hunter is such a nuisance' or 'I told them not to have any more'"

I roll my eyes.

"But grandma doesn't want anything to do with me"

"Well you haven't exactly helped your case" he rolls his eyes, "you could have changed her mind, but no, you just had to be a rebellious little shit" he chuckles.

I sigh.
"Well lets make it quick"

Chase nods and we both exit the shiny rose gold Mercedes grandma gave me.

Yeah, just cos she hates me doesn't mean she doesn't spoil me just like she does for Chase.

Except she buys Chase the stuff he actually likes.

Like a matte black Chevrolet.

And stylish Abercrombie jeans.

But I get a dainty little Mercedes and fucking ugly vintage dresses...
Oh and let's not forget the endless packs off hair dye and vouchers for hairdressers.

The thing is grandma thinks she can improve me by making me a 'proper' lady.

And apparently 'proper' ladies don't have purple hair...

"Chase. It's been five whole minutes, she's not answering can we go now"

Oh but lucky me.

Because now the door opens revealing my lovely, kind grandma.

Note the sarcasm?

"Ah Chasey-Pooh how are you dear!"

Grandma throws her arms around Chase, embracing him tightly.

While grandma is distracted hugging the shit outta Chase I decide to have some fun.

I roll the waist of my knee length skirt so that it's a lot shorter, I tuck up my shirt so my stomach is showing.

Then I duck into the back of the car and change my three inch black pumps to six inch sparkly stilettos.

I look in the mirror and pull my shirt down to show some cleavage.

Grandma will have a fit.

I head back to grandma and in a sickly sweet voice address her.

"Hey granny"

She looks up, and promptly glares.

Then looks me up and down.


Chase behind her looks half amused half mad.

"Hunter James what on earth are you wearing!?"

"Oh Granny, clothes of course"

"That is not how a proper young lady should dress! Chase get your sister to that academy immediately that'll straighten her out"

Grandma gestures to my short skirt, "I will not have my granddaughter walking around dressed like a slut"

Chase just about bursts.

He's trying so hard not to laugh.

"But Granny, I'm not dressed like a slut, yet"

And with the satisfaction of seeing her horrified expression I climb into the car.

I know it's cruel.

But if you'd lived your whole life frowned upon by your grandma simply for your gender you'd probably be the same.

Soon enough we're on the road again.

"How much longer?"

"About an hour" Chase's eyes don't move from the road nor does his concentration waver.

I lean over and turn he music right up.

Soon enough Chase relaxes and we're well into a competitive sing off when we arrive at the academy.


"Holy shit Chase"
The school is freaking huge!

I unroll my skirt waist and pull my shirt down.

But, I make sure the cleavage is visible.

Mum always used to do the same.

One time she told it was just a quirk that a lot of models picked up.

Back in my favourite black pumps I reapply my lip gloss and double check my eyes.

Stepping out of the car I admire the academy, its front building looks like a castle straight out of a fantasy story.

The old building is huge!

Chase pulls out his suitcase from the boot before handing me my own.

I take it and we begin walking towards the huge wooden doors.

Walking into the administrative room I'm awed by the high ceilings and ornate furniture which also looks so modern and chic.

Chase heads straight for the front desk while I admire the room.

"Chase and Hunter James"

"Ah yes, welcome, give me a moment and I will locate your files"

The intelligent looking girl disappears through an ornately designed door, soon returning with two files which she hands to Chase and I.

"Everything you will need to know is in here, your classes will begin tomorrow, and if u knock on the third door on the right" she makes funny hand gestures to illustrate where she means, "a Student Council member will show you around"

"Thank you", I smile as I follow Chase out the door.

We enter a deserted hallway and turn right as instructed.

Chase finds the door to the Student Council room while I admire the decor.

After a couple of sharp raps on the door courtesy of my brother, it opens, revealing a perfectly dressed, short guy with big green eyes and bigger glasses.

"Hi! I'm Hunter, this is Chase! We're new, we were told to come here" I grin.
The boy grins back and turns back into the room.

"Hey Donny! Your crush is here"
His tone is playful and I can't help but giggle a little.

I wonder who Donny is?

Suddenly a harsh male voice escapes the ajar door.

"Shut the fuck up Ian!"

The boy who I presume is Ian sniggers before opening the door and becoming us in.

As we enter the room we find it to be decorated modernly.

There are posters all over the walls of superstars and movies.

There's even some of me and Chase.

Ian ushers us in and over to a table surrounded by five teenagers around our age.

Literally just a bunch of stuff that I doubt I'll continue Where stories live. Discover now