Again another Equestian Academy type thing

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'My name is Ashley Perkins, in seventeen years old, I live in London, England and attend a public high school, I have three sisters, a mum and a dad'

Suddenly the interrogation room door bursts open and shots are fired.

The man interrogating the girl drops to the floor, dead.

The girl, a 5"6' Caucasian girl with fierce blue eyes and ebony black hair pulls her self free from her restraints and rushes to join the tall, dark haired boy with the gun.

'You good?' His dark eyes are trained on hers.

'All good, lets go'

And then it stops.

I get up from my position on the floor and stretch out in a big yawn.

I shake my head, "boys, boys, boys"

I step over the sleeping bodies of two of my best friends, Kiara and Ashley.

"Oi" I call out, "anyone awake?"

No answer.

I scan over the sleeping bodies of my mates, sprawled on the couch.

I step over all the empty soda bottles and popcorn boxes and pad quickly and quietly down the hallway and head into my room.

Yawning I crawl into my comfy king size bed.

I fall asleep to the gentle hum of night sounds and the occasional sound of horses neighing.

I can't believe this will be the last time I sleep in this bed for the next ten weeks.

But I'm also pretty excited.



I shut off my alarm with a bang and spring out of bed.

Unlike other days I'm pretty excited today.

I quickly grab the outfit that I'd picked the night before and head into my ensuite.

After a speedy shower with freshly shaved legs and washed hair I dry off and pull on my favourite Dublin navy blue jodhpurs and my teal HV Polo shirt. I pull my black leather belt through the loops on my jodhpurs and fasten it.

I put on basic makeup, foundation, concealer and a touch of highlight, I quickly tight line my eyes and run a mascara wand over my thick lashes.

I blow dry and straighten my hair and pull it back into a loose, pretty, half up half down style.

I head over to my bed, un plug my phone and stuff it in my pocket, then I apply my favourite lip balm and pull on some purple Ariat socks.

I head down the hall and back out to my private lounge and kitchen where I promptly pick up two pots and head quietly over to the lounge where my friends are still sleeping.
And I promptly begin banging the pots together singing at the top of my lungs.

"LALALALALALA LA LA LA GET UP UPPITY UP LALALALALALALALALALALA LALA LA UP UP UP LALALALALALALALAL-", my mouth is suddenly covered by a warm hand and the pots are removed by two more sets of hands.

"Ok Alyra we get it", the sleepy male voice is equally humoured and unimpressed.

"Eh meh ohhh", the male chuckles.

"Yaaaach", I lick his hand.

"Eww Alyra!!", he quickly removes his hand, chuckling.

"Well you should know better then Zack", I chuckle, I turn to my other, now very awake, friends.
"Let's get brekkie", I can't help but grin.

Literally just a bunch of stuff that I doubt I'll continue Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα