To begin (Prologue)

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/| The Beginning Of A Great Adventure |\

The aeroplane takes off, the land firstly begins to shrink, then disappeared under the fluffy clouds. You were flying off to England, in a small country.

You moved on because of your job. Yup, it was the work made you quit your family, your friends, your home...

But, at least, there is Facebook... Right?

You put your earphones in your ears, listening to some music, enjoying this small moment before all the stress of the work starts.

What jobs? Well, after years of studying, you finally have chosen to be a child psychologist.

Because, you wanted to help people, in any way possible, it made you feel useful. And, also, you felt relaxed and joyful around children, they never judge people like adults do. Plus, their innocence and imagination are refreshing.

You are a 24/25-year-old woman, with (Y/H/L) (Y/H/C) hair and some (Y/E/C) eyes, you were (Y/H) tall for (Y/W) weight. You had other passions besides your job, like, maybe, drawing, singing, doing sport, acting etc.

You liked a lot of things, you tried to find interest in everything, it makes life more interesting. You, maybe, like arts, sports, movies, video games, nature and a lot of other things.

But, the things that people noticed in you is this light, this light that shined in your eyes. This light always pushed you forward, it kept you alive for all these years. After all, even after passing through all of the events of life, you are still there.

The pilot's voice rang throughout the aeroplane, directing the passengers to buckle their seatbelt and to have a nice flight. You kinda smiled, excited to discover a new place.

You grinned, even more, when your mind started inventing scenarios on how your life here will be, and about what you'll discover: the hospital you'll work in, the accommodation you'll live in, the kids you'll work with, the town you'll visit etc.

You sighed gladly and looked through the window, the land was slowly approaching, and you could see the natural beauty of the town you'll live in the future.

You agilely grabbed your luggage as soon as the plane landed, craving to breath the fresh air.

You admired the green nature of spring, the trees budding while the grass grew. It was the afternoon, the hot sun warming you up. After filling up some papers related to passport and all, you jumped in a Taxi.

-"Hello, miss, where can I drop you off?" says the driver

-"I would like you to drive me at the Mystic hostel, please!"

-"With pleasure, Ma'am."

/|Time Skip To The Hostel|\

On the outside, the hostel was beautiful, breathtaking. Gigantic, surely three or four stories, near a forest, giving it a peaceful and mysterious aura, almost fantastic. Nature was taking over the structure, giving it even more charm.

The walls colour were a white silver, on the top, a black rooftop, with a chimney. There were big windows, with some decorative sculpture and carving.

It remembered you of a haunted or abandoned hostel, it gave the lodging some sort of charm.

You undid your luggage as soon as the staff dropped in your room and admired your surrounding.

The bed was big, with some black and white sheets, a simple wood desk and chair, a bookcase, a big window and other useful things, like lights, mirror, closet etc.

You even had your little own personal toilet, with the shower, toilet and bathroom sink. Plus all of that, you could have access, by a crossing a fancy door, to a small, silver balcony. In there, you could diner peacefully while admiring the exuberant forest, enjoying the calm of nature.

It was simple, something that you appreciated. You couldn't observe around that much, because you received a call from your manager.

-"Hello"? You asked

-"Greetings, (Y/N), glad to hear you had landed without any aggravation. As you know, tomorrow, you start working again. I would like you to come at 8 A.M., you have a lot of parents and children to meet. "

-"Really? Why?"

-"We decided to give you a group of children to take care of. We've seen your progress in your work, and we decided to test you and your capacity to help children. But, we are pretty sure you'll be able to get through it. Any questions?"

-"No.. But still, a group of kids-"

-"You can refuse the task if you think you won't be able to deal with it."

-"No, no, no and no, I accept the challenge! It just surprises me that you'll give me a group of children.."

-"Good, I'll explain you a bit more tomorrow, to make things more clear. See you tomorrow, (Y/N)."

After that call, you plopped on your bed and sighed. Well, two or three kids won't be that hard, you thought. You wrote on Facebook, to your relatives, that you landed off without problems, and that you loved them.

After that, you just got a shower, ate a bit for supper, before going to sleep. Even if your mind was assaulted by a thousand thoughts, you managed to sleep, dreaming of nothing, but darkness.

Work: Edited

Author's Note: 

This chapter was kinda long for a prologue, but I wanted to explain you your situation, like a real prologue. 

If you want to request or suggest anything, or even criticism my work, you are free to do it! Well, that is all, thanks for reading, voting, commenting or sharing my story if you did.


Odd Dreams (Child Slashers x Reader) (Abandoned)Where stories live. Discover now