The Strange Case of Two gingers

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A/N may as well just update with what I have in standby

Moves like Jaggers tune bounces off the walls as I whistle at an uneven pitch, since this part of the asylum seems to be empty if you didn't count the bodies shrewn onto the tile. My business wasn't with them though, the only thing I'm here for is picking up Ember Les Madaton like the gentleman I am. Sure this isn't the way I planned our exit, but this could be a blessing in disguise, besides, I'm all about spontaneous and poorly made decisions. Those were the best ones

I stop by the corpse of a high security guard dressed in fatigue and slumped against the wall with a quickly Browning stain at the center of his chest.

"Hey you didn't happen to see a bleached blonde come this way, kinda tall, a great ass, hot?" From him I receive no answer, just a very dead silence.

I roll my eyes shoving him by the shoulder at that he falls over on his side, knocking free the pistol from it's holster which sends it clattering across the hall. The gun thuds against the wall, the sound almost seems to flip a switch in the old idea maker as I cock my head at it, wheels turning. I swing my head back at the solider, my somewhat damaged lips pull into a grin.

"You don't happen to be a size 34 would ya?"

After a good few minutes of struggling to strip the body of it's clothes, I emerge decked out in army wear, I make these patterns work even if does ride up in a few places.

"It goes without saying that this little excursion stays between us." I state, gazing at the guard in expectation of an answer that won't come.

Well there's a reason dead men tell no tales.

"Are you really that stupid? " The voice booms, bouncing off the blood splattered walls to my ears.

I follow the sound, ominous shadows casted by the damaged lights overhead flicking on and off.

"You said it yourself, if she steps outside Arkham's perimeter it'll blow her head off. "

Every time he speaks I feel a little dread in my stomach, it's contents empty except for jealousy and fear that churn painfully as I continue down the hall. I find the door to one of the side rooms and enter but have to drop to the floor immediately when I'm exposed by the observation window, hope I wasn't seen. The rooms occupants don't pause in their conversation so it would seem I managed to go unnoticed

I lay myself flat on the floor, inching myself forward until I can peek through the sliver of space in the cracked door and see for myself what's going on. Just as I expected, The Joker is in the room decked out in an almost unblemished new suit if it weren't for the blood splatter, he stands in heated conversation with the psychiatrist Ember and I shared looking extremely out of his comfort zone.

Right in his face The Joker snarls,"What do you think is gonna happen once they turn those things back on? Or did you just hope everything would turn out okay?"

I observed unnoticed as the scene unfolded, with Diaz resistant to whatever it was Joker wanted him to do before seeming to give in. He snaps on a pair of gloves before lifting a small blade and dragging it across Embers flesh making me tense as I stopped myself from barreling into the room. When it came to The Joker, I wasn't so sure about but I knew that Diaz worshipped the very ground she walked on (who could blame him) and that the last thing he would do was hurt her. So I stay in shadows, watching the tense minutes unfold until he pulls one heck of a pill out of Embers neck, only unlike any pill I've ever this one flashes. The doctor sighs, dropping it into a pan and proceeds to stitch the wound up, apparently the job was done. With a gun trained in him Diaz slowly backs off, The Joker threatening him with some outstandingly creative threats before carrying Ember out of the room away from me forever.

So that was it, just like that my happily ever after is shattered into a thousand pieces at my feet laughing at the fool above them.

" And that's why you should always listen to me

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" And that's why you should always listen to me." A reserved voice manifests itself into the room in the form of my former self, all prim and proper with his slicked down hair, his neatly arranged suit and tie.

Guess that means my meds are wearing off right about now

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Guess that means my meds are wearing off right about now.

I groaned covering my ears like that would block his voice out. "If I listened to you I would never have any fun."

"Fun." He scoffs, seating himself into a chair and puts one leg over the other. "that's all you're ever concerned about is fun."

"But now, you don't have any other choice other than me, so are you going to listen or are you going to continue being a child?"

I groan, thumping my against the concrete wall behind me over and over again like I can bash him out of my head. Tried that, the only thing I got was a really long nap and one killer migraine. He wasn't going to sit up if I ignore him, hell just keep going and going.

"Okay," I hiss through clenched teeth and glare at a reflection opposite of myself to mine, "what's your big bright idea?"

He chuckled, gathering himself from the seat and takes long, calculated strides to the ajar door before nonchalantly passing through it.

I enter the next room after him, finding my double standing with his usual taunt poise and his hands resting on the table. "No please, take your time. There's no rush, I'm sure the GCPD will arrive after they've had lunch, after all they don't do much. "

"Speak now before I change my mind and down a bottle of Abilify and end us both. "

He takes in a breath, his lids shutting as he let's it out, his face the picture of composure. What you need to do is quite simple, my primative other half. "

With the lights overhead gleaming over his teeth pulled into a cold grin, he states with a strange glee.

"You've simply got to go under the knife."


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His Dirty DamselOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora