Light Showers Of Ginger and Hate

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Here's the thing about doctors, you can't tell them anything without one wanting to cure you. So I let slip that bit about me not getting any sleep and the next thing I know a little cup of blue pills shows up with my dinner every night.

Did I want them? No.

But sometimes in chess you gotta sacrifice a few pawns to win the game. So I take the stupid pills every night, they work fast and help to pass the night in a blissful darkness free dreams or painful memories.

Besides, after everything he's surely diagnosed me with, I'm happy two pills is all he's giving me

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Besides, after everything he's surely diagnosed me with, I'm happy two pills is all he's giving me.

They're so stronge that I often awake with the cloud of sleep still hanging over my head, dragging me down making my sluggish so it takes all my focus to think sometimes. Now when Griggs comes by in the morning and rattles his baton against my cell bars I can barley pick up the sounds through sleeps thick walls. When I open my eyes to the muffled sounds of him and his voice taunt with annoyance after not getting the reaction he wants.

"Cut that sh!t out, Griggs." I snarl, rubbing away the sleep from my eyes when ferocity.

When my version becomes clear I am met with the sight of darkness, no sunlight shining down from my cells high window and into the box I reside in. The sun isn't up yet which means that it's gotta be like four or five in the morning.

"What the fnck, Griggs?!" I swear, grabbing the paper thin pillow and placed it over my face." Did you forget how to tell time, you shouldn't be in my face this early."

"You think I want to here your mouth this early?" He grumbles back, his voice mingled with the sound of clicking metal keys.

"Your mouth is about to give you a broken jaw if you don't step is me (I seriously considered writing "if you don't jump off my d!ck LMAO idk why)

Do you want a shower or don't you?

I follow Griggs down the hallway in handcuffed accompanied by the other patients solitary, we're lined up like elementary school. Boys in one side girls on the other, giving me an opportunity to take a look at all my fellow residents in psycho town. Felix and his bright a$$ orange hair stands out from the far side of the line, his green eyes looking at me in only the bottom of my orange jumpsuit and worn, thin tank top. Everyone is dressed differently than usual,a little more bare. Even the ginger himself looks different in a way that makes it hard to look away from. He's wearing a orange bottom like me only there's no t-shirt or tank top covering his chest, it's completely bare and surprisingly defined.

I never thought I'd see another man with a body like Jay but here I stand corrected, the sight of it makes my body ache in longing for something I've missed out on for at least a month. For a moment, I forget how damn annoying and clingy he can get and all I can focus on is every groove to his pale, slightly freckled abs. But all it takes is one flash of that annoying and lopsided grin to remind me of what a pest he is, it makes me roll my eyes and how hair from my face. For the rest of the walk I give him my back.

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