sweet memories

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This chapter was extremely rushed and I'm sorry for that I'm going to try and edit it along with making the next chapter better


The elevator doors part to reveal two heavily armed guards standing sentry to the therapy cell and in that instant all my feelings of anxiety melt away as they raise their rifles at me. Nothing clears away the jitters like show business.

“Good evening, gents do you mind directing us to Mickey D's?”

As expected, the rude pricks don't answer the question, instead cocking their firearms at me and screaming:

“ put your hands above your head now!

"So you seriously just gonna ignore my question?”

“You have five seconds clown.”

I Scoff, placing one arm behind my back as I lift the other to extend in front of me, palm facing them. “Lemme stop ya right there. “

He ignore my warning, shouting over me. “Five

"That's the problem with you dumb fucks today. "I tsk, shaking my head as I reached into the waistband of my tux.


"You always have to bring violence into a situation, even when I'm giving you a really way out."


"I'm a cool guy, I like to have a civil conversation every once in a while "


“And yet the court says I'm the legally insane one, right? “ My eyes roll as a sneer forms on my lips and


Before the guard can get the word from his mouth, I release one shot when a casual pull of my finger and the bullet his forehead dead center.

The other lays on the ground, his hand over the pouring wound in his neck. You see ya didn't have to die kid. I say patting his check before laughing

Who am I kidding, I was gonna kill you either way. I admit as I twist head to the far left and makes his eyes go dull.

I whistle, stepping over his body as I take a gander at the large steel door with the word DIAZ spray painted in block letters across the surface. “That is one heavy door. “but nothing a blow torched can't solve

Inside the room Ember gaze at me from besides the doctor her burning eyes widening at the sight before she launches herself into my arms with a scream

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Inside the room Ember gaze at me from besides the doctor her burning eyes widening at the sight before she launches herself into my arms with a scream. Puddin!”

She launches herself at me, the impact of her body make me grunt despite how frail her frame has become.

“Puddin!” she cries her arms encircling my neck before latching her lips onto mine.

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