Bonfire Night

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****Lacey's POV****

Since the busy up with Dan I haven't spoken to Amber as I don't want any arguments. I also though haven't really seen Sam as I don't really know what to do about Dan's comments. Are we being too public?

For a bit of relaxation Lauren, Georgia and I decided to go to the spa in the gym for a bit of a treat. I was wearing a bikini as I planned to have a little massage after.

"So are you glad to have Tommy home?" I asked Georgia.

"Yeah But then I feel like I didn't miss him that much anyway. I'm just used to it now, like I'm not stuck at his hip now."


"How are you and Sam?" Lauren asked.

"Erm I haven't actually seen him in the last couple of days. Kind of been avoiding him to be honest."


"Well as I was leaving the other night Dan made some comment about us being too affectionate and secretive. It just made me think."

"Babe don't let him get in your head. He's making you question yourself."

"But I don't want to hurt anyone."

"Babe I think you're hurting yourself by pushing him away." Georgia said and wrapped her arm around me. "Has he tried messaging you?"

"Yeah every day."


Just then the door opened and who should walk in but the man himself. Just in pair of short black shorts.

"Hello girls." He said and gave Lauren and Georgia a kiss before turning to me. "Hey."

"Hey." I whispered. "How are you?"

"Confused." He said and took a seat next to me. "You've kind of been avoiding me."

"We'll leave you two to it. See you later." Lauren said and gave me a hug. "You'll be fine."

They left us two it and I could see he was itching to say something.

"So I've not been intentionally ignoring you. It's just that Dan said something to me on the way out the other night about us being too full on and that I don't tell him anything. I just wanted to get my head sorted."

"He actually said that to you.l


"I don't understand why you've got so upset over that. He's obviously just trying to wind you up."

"But I really don't want to hurt anyone."

"Well What did your thinking come to?"

"I really like you Sam and this week has just proved that to me. It was so hard to avoid you and not text you back when you was being so sweet...."

"Well then stop overthinking and come here." He said and pulled me into his lap. "This week has been hell for me. I thought we was over."

"I would be a fool to do that." I said and kissed him. "So fancy coming for a massage with me."

"I'd go anywhere with you babe"


I went on a walk that night to take the dog on a walk when I noticed that Chloe and Lauren were in her beauty salon.

I had got changed into a pink jumper and black jeans.

"Girls have we got some champagne in here?" I asked noticing them sipping it. "How are you Miss Sims?"

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