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****Lacey's POV****

The morning after the party I had organised to go out with Lauren and Vas for a smoothie date. I hadn't had a chance to speak to Lauren in a while and now was my chance.

I was wearing a white crop top and my black jeans, worn my blue denim jacket.

"Hello everyone." I said as I walked into the shop to find them in a corner with a drink for me. "Thanks for the drink."

"It's fine hunny." Vas said. "How are you doing? I heard you and Amber had a little confrontation last night."

"She just thought that my relationship was her business and basically said I couldn't wait to get back with him." I told them. "Like you two know how much I waited and didn't want to get back with him but I can't stay away."

"I can see where she's coming from but she needs to understand and just realise your side of things." Lauren said.

"I just need Pete and Chloe to get back to being friends now. I still think things are a bit awkward because I don't think I can talk to them both at the same time."

"It would be nice for them two to make up and put everything behind them."

"What did you get Pete for his birthday?" Vas asked.

"I haven't given him it yet because I wanted to wait for the party tonight. I've bought him this like memory scrapbook and filled it with little notes and pictures from when we used to be together."

"He's going to love that. I always think the gifts you've put some thought into is better."

"That's what I thought. Like he can but what ever he wants for himself but he came buy this."


We'd just finished our drink and we're chatting about our outfits when we saw Amber and Chloe come in.

"Hello." I said and have Amber a hug. "Are you ready for tonight?"

"Yeah just having a walk around and getting ready for the party."

"I spoke to Jon this morning." Chris said. "He still seems quite upset about everything and to me he didn't do anything wrong and did change for you. He does believe this whole thing was caused by you and Mario."

"Are you kidding me? I don't speak to Mario anymore and I've cut off all with him."

"You did that after everything though and that means it still affected your relationship."

"He's back with his ex girlfriend isn't he." Lauren said and then everything just went silent. You could tell it was true by his face. Lauren just broke down in her hands and I wrapped my arms around her.

"But that doesn't change what happened before. When the whole texting this happened he had genuinely but off all ties."

"I don't believe you"

Chris and Amber then walked out and Lauren leaned in to me as she kept crying.

"I've opened up to one person and then I get my heartbroken like this." Lauren said. "Everyone says I'm heartless but at least this doesn't happen to me a lot."

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