Good VS Evil, Best Friends Edition

813 46 3

Chapter 17

Rosé's POV

Saturday - February 17, 2018

"Rosé, get up!" The next thing I knew, I was being hit with a pillow. I pried my eyes open and found Kai about to swing the pillow down again to hit me.

"What are you doing here?" I complained while pulling the blanket over my head to block out the light and Kai.

"Did you forget we agreed to hang out today?" He asked as he grabbed and pulled the blanket away.

"No, but what are you doing here so early in the morning?"

"Early? It's ten-thirty. We agreed to meet up at ten and you weren't answering your phone, so I came over like I usually do."

I rolled my eyes and sat up, "You at least didn't have to hit me with a pillow. You could've been nicer."

"Have you met me?"

"You right, you right." He laughed before getting off the bed and walking over to my closet.

"What are you doing now?"

"Getting you clothes." It was silent for about a minute until I heard a deep sigh. He then stepped out of the closet holding a pile of clothes, "This is all Jungkook's, isn't it?" I nodded before closing my eyes and falling back down on the bed. Big mistake. I was once again hit with a pillow, "Get yo ass up!"

"Alright, fine. Just stop with the pillows," I sat up again and this time actually got out of bed. I went over to the closet and grabbed a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt, all coming from the pile of clothes Kai was just holding. I then shut the closet door and quickly changed. I stepped out and found Kai laying down on my bed on his phone. "So what are we doing?"

"Let's go for food since you haven't eaten breakfast yet."

"Yes, I'm starving. Let's go." I went over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone and wallet. When I turned back to Kai, he was staring at me with wide eyes. "What is wrong with you?"

"You and Jungkook did the nasty?" He asked while saying nasty in a weird accent.

"No, what are you talking about?" He gave me a knowing look and that's when I remembered. "I would think you're old enough to know you don't need to have sex to get hickeys, Kai."

"I know, I know. I just assumed."

"Well, you assumed wrong."

"Whatever, let's just get going."

I playfully rolled my eyes before following him downstairs.

"Hey, you do know that later tonight I have to babysit, right?" I reminded him of my sudden realization.

"Why do I feel like you're always babysitting?"

"Because I am. I need the money."

"Alright, fine. We at least have right now. When do you have to go?"

"Around six."

"Then we're fine. We have all day."

Jungkook's POV

After work, Mingyu insisted on coming over because 'he missed his best friend' meaning he missed my XBox. Though he neglected to tell me Bambam and Jaehyun were coming as well. I unlocked the door and Mingyu and Jaehyun immediately went to the kitchen for food while Bambam went upstairs to the bathroom. I passed the living room where Talia was and followed Mingyu and Jaehyun into the kitchen. I was surprised to see Rosé. While the boys raided the fridge, I went up behind Rosé and placed my hands on her shoulders, causing her to jump.

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