Cigarettes and Unicorns

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Chapter 3

Rosé's POV

Tuesday - December 18, 2017

I pulled up in front of the middle school before getting out and waiting outside the double doors I had to wait at for my brother a few years ago. After waiting for five minutes, I saw Talia skip down the stairs. She immediately came running over to me. I guess Ms. Kim told her I would be picking her up today.

"Hey, Talia. How was school?" I asked her as we started walking over to my car.

"It was so boring."

"Well enjoy it while you can because high school is a lot harder. That's not a threat, it's a warning. Enjoy school while it's still fun."

"I'll keep that in mind." She laughed as we got in the car and I started driving. We soon arrived and I parked the car outside the house. We walked up the front steps and Talia rang the doorbell. It seemed like forever until Jungkook finally answered the door. He was about to say something but Talia beat him to it, "Kookie!" She closed the space between them and hugged him. It was only now that I noticed how tall he was. Talia's head was only a little above his waist. One of his hands immediately went to the back of her head.

"Hi, Talia. Can you let go?" She looked up at him and he looked down at her. I'll admit, it was cute. She let go and then ran off into the kitchen leaving Jungkook and me alone. He moved to the side to let me in without saying anything. He shut the door behind us and stepped in front of me. "I'm assuming Nari told you everything?" He asked which surprised me since he hadn't really said anything.

"Uh, yeah-" I was interrupted by his voice.

"Good, I'll be upstairs, so, don't need me." He then ran up the stairs and back to his room. I went to the kitchen and found Talia already starting her homework. Wow, if only most people did this.

"Do you need help, Talia?" I asked as I put my own bag down.

"No, I got it." I nodded my head and sat down. Since she was doing homework, I figured I should just do the same. I put my books on the table and began working. After a few minutes of working, I had to go to the bathroom.

"Talia, I'll be right back. I'm just going to the bathroom." I quickly left the room and went upstairs to the only bathroom in the house. Once I was finished, I went back downstairs. What I didn't expect to see was Jungkook hunched over the table next to Talia.

"Okay, so what's the answer?" I heard him ask.


"That's right. Good job." He held up his hand and she high-fived him. I finally made my presence known by going back over to where I was sitting. While still looking down at my books, Jungkook walked over to one of the cabinets and grabbed something before disappearing again.

"Do you need any more help, Talia?" I asked.

"No. It was just one problem."

"Oh, sorry. I could've helped but I was in the bathroom."

"That's okay. Kookie helped me." I let out a small laugh at the nickname and focused on my work. After about twenty minutes, Talia finished her homework.

"Rosé, let's go upstairs to my room." She grabbed my hand and pulled me behind her up the stairs to her room. When she let go, she ran over to one of the many bins and pulled it over to me. When she opened it, there were a lot more Legos in it than there had been on the floor yesterday. She pulled out an incomplete building and put it on the floor. "Will you help me finish building this? I've been having trouble finding a bunch of pieces."

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