Boxing and McDonald's

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Chapter 25

Rosé's POV

Tuesday - July 17, 2018

It's been almost a week and it's been absolute hell. The amount of times I almost called him or texted him is infinite. I've been waking up either expecting a good morning text or having him next to me. I'm disappointed when I have neither. My phone dinged and I got the smallest ounce of hope that it was him, but it was just Jennie telling me she was here. She has no idea what's been going on for the past week because she's been away in Seoul at college and we haven't gotten the chance to talk much. I hurried down the stairs with my jacket and phone before going outside and meeting her in her car.

"Hey, girly. It's been a while. How's life been? I don't see any hickeys so what happened with lover boy?" Jennie asked while driving away toward some random cafe.

"It's been good, except for the past week. And very funny," I rolled my eyes, "You won't be hearing about him for a while."

"Why, did something happen?"

"Yeah, you've missed a lot."

"That doesn't sound good."

"Yeah well, my boyfriend deciding to leave town at midnight and not telling me anything as to where or for how long and that I can't even contact him isn't good."

"What the hell? How did this even start?"

"Something happened with Jungkook's sister and Jungkook got mad at me since I've known for a few months and I never told him. Don't yell at me. I've already heard it all and know I messed up. So to make a long story short, he came to my house last night around midnight to tell me he was leaving. He also gave me this," I showed her my hand as we stopped at a red light.

"Oh my god, what the hell? This is beautiful, are you sure he wasn't proposing?"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm positive."

"And then he just left after giving this to you?"

"Yeah. He couldn't tell me where, he doesn't know for how long, I have no idea who he's with and I'm not allowed to contact him."


"He wanted to get away from his life in Busan for a while which means not talking to anyone here. He said he wanted to leave before he does something reckless that he's going to regret since he lashed out at his sister."

"He still should've told you where he's going to be. And to say you can't contact him, that's a little ridiculous."

"I agree but he asked me not to and if that will help him, I won't talk to him. I just want him to come back as soon as possible."

"Still, that's a little excessive."

"Whatever. Nothing I can do now except wait."

"You're being really strong about this. I know you trust him but this goes pretty far. For all you know, he could've lied and now he's gone, off with another girl."

"He wouldn't do that Jennie! Why would you even say that? Especially to me!"

"Sorry. I'm just saying it's a possibility."

"It's not. Don't even say that." I stared ahead at the road as I calmed down from my sudden outburst. "I'm sorry. I understand what you're saying, but I refuse to believe that's a possibility. It's not a possibility. I just miss him."

"I know you do. And you're right. I shouldn't have said that so straightforward. It'll get better. Like you said, this is what he said he needs right now. Everything will be okay." She reached her hand over and took hold of mine. "I love you."

"I love you too Jennie."

Jungkook's POV

I landed another punch on the punching bag in front of me. I'm surprised it hasn't broken yet since I've been at this for a few hours. I took off my boxing gloves and took a much-needed drink. Someone should be coming in after me so I got my stuff together to leave. I threw on my shirt quickly before going outside. I got in my car and rested my head on the headrest, taking deep breaths. I looked at my phone, wishing I could dial Rosé's number. Even if she didn't pick up, I could still hear her voicemail, her voice. I put my phone down before driving toward Irene's apartment. As much as I hate going to a therapist, she was right about boxing. I don't have as much anger and I definitely don't feel like punching a wall every time my phone goes off and it's not Rosé. Though that part is my fault. I just have to get used to it. I did not realize how much I need her. It actually scares me. I've been working on my anger and it's been getting better surprisingly fast. Though I can't say the same for the anxiety and depression.


I exited the bathroom after showering and taking my new medications. After seeing the therapist in the morning and going to the gym for the rest of day, I was about ready to pass out. I could maybe eat something, that's about it. I was about to go get something from the kitchen when Irene came home. With food.

"Oh my god, Irene, you're a lifesaver." I got off the couch grabbed the McDonald's bags from her hands and went to the kitchen.

She laughed while following me, "So I see some things haven't changed. You still freak every time I bring food home."

"It's food. What do you expect me to do?" She rolled her eyes before taking her food from the bags. "But seriously, thank you."

"Of course. Now, how was your day?"

"I'm gonna give you the same answer I've been giving you the past few days."

"How long do you think you'll be here? Do you think you're getting better?"

"I'm definitely not as angry when it comes to certain things. I'm still working on the other two."

"Hey, it's progress. If you take it one at a time, you should be back in Busan in no time."

"God, I hope so. This is torture."

She laughed, "I never thought I would see you so in love again."

"Well, I don't plan on it happening again. I plan on making this the last time."

"Are you serious? Oh my god! I swear to God I'll never talk to you again if I'm not invited to the wedding."

"Why would I not invite you?"

"I don't know. Ugh, oh my God! That makes me so happy." She came over and hugged me from the back, "I love you so much."

"I love you too but can you please let go? I'm trying to eat."

She laughed again, "Sorry." She then pulled away and went back to eating her own food. I don't know why but she's more touchy than she used to be. It's a little weird for her but whatever. It's probably because we haven't seen each other in months. I'm definitely gonna have to change that because I want to see her a lot more often.

A/N: I'm sorry for the short chapter. The next one will probably be short too. I would also like to apologize for how rushed the next few chapters will seem. There isn't really much for me to write while Jungkook is away, so I'm time skipping a lot to get him home as quickly as possible. Again, I apologize for the above 😂 but I hope you're still enjoying it. If you thought Chapter 24: Secrets and Lies was bad, just wait 😉

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