Ocean Air and Death Glare

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Chapter 37

Rosé's POV

Monday - July 12, 2021

I woke up to the sound of the shower running. I opened my eyes and quickly checked the time on my phone and found it to be almost ten. I got out of bed and made my way over to the closet to find something to wear for today. I was too distracted to notice the water shut off and the new presence in the room. Only when I felt arms around my waist, a chin on my shoulder and water seep through the thin material of Jungkook's shirt did I actually know he was in the room.

"Good morning princess."

I smiled before responding, "Good morning."

"You feeling okay?" He asked while pulling away and standing in front of me.

I nodded, "I'm just really hungry."

"Alright, well me and you can go out for breakfast after you shower and get dressed. While we're out, we can plan out what we should do today."

"You've thought this out already, haven't you?"

"Yep." He leaned forward and pecked my lips before going over to the dresser. I laughed before grabbing two towels for myself and making my way over to the bathroom.


"Check please," Jungkook requested of the waiter since we'd both finished our plates of the classic breakfast of bacon and eggs with pancakes. The waiter nodded before disappearing.

"I know we haven't done much yet but how are you liking Australia?" I asked while starting to get my purse together.

"It's really nice. It's hot, but it's really nice. The view of the beach from our balcony is incredible."

"And the food?"

"It's been a while since I've had that." The waiter came back with the check before disappearing again. "So, did you come here a lot when you were little?"

"Yeah, I used to come here all the time with my parents."

Jungkook finished getting his money out to pay, "Well, then you'll have to show me all of your other favorite places here."

"Well, we can start with the beach. I want to get some use out of my new bikinis before I can't wear them."

I saw Jungkook eye me before getting up to go pay at the register. I grabbed my purse and followed behind him.


"Can you tie this for me?" I asked Jungkook already turning around and moving my hair out of the way so he could tie the strings of my red bikini around my neck. I heard his footsteps get closer before I felt his hands brush against my skin. I felt the knot tighten so I turned to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Thank you."

"No problem, but before we go," He paused as he walked over to the dresser and came back over with a white t-shirt, "Put this on."

"Seriously? We're going to the beach and you want me to wear a shirt?"

"Yes. My wife's beautiful body is only for me to look at. I don't need any other guys looking at you the way only I should be."

"How about a compromise?"

He sighed, "I'm listening."

"Whenever I'm with you, I'm allowed to have my shirt off, but if we're not together, I'll put it on."

He playfully rolled his eyes, "You and your stubbornness. And since that's probably the best I'll be able to do, I'll take it."

"You know, you're not allowed to complain. One, you like seeing me in this and two, you're gonna have your shirt off even though I don't want girls looking at you so we'll be even."

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