Scared and Protected

843 43 14

Chapter 19

Rosé's POV

Tuesday - March 20, 2018

After Jungkook and I finally decided to go out instead of just staying inside all day, we went out for fast food. I found a seat in the corner of the McDonald's restaurant while Jungkook went to go order. I waited patiently on my phone until he came over with our tray of food. I immediately put my phone away and began eating. I heard him laugh before he began eating as well.


Jungkook and I finished eating but we still wanted to stay out, so we decided to just hang out on the rarely used road a block from my house. Instead of being logical, we both stayed on the bike except Jungkook turned around and pulled me closer so my legs were draping over his thighs while also placing his hands on my lower back to hold me in place. Even though it's been two months, I still tend to get shy over the smallest contact.

 Even though it's been two months, I still tend to get shy over the smallest contact

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A/N: I finally put the cover scene!! lol

"You're cute, you know that?" Jungkook began teasing making me blush more than before.

"Stop. You're doing it on purpose." I buried my face in his shoulder so we wouldn't see me though it didn't last long.

He lightly pushed me away so he could stare into my eyes, "Don't hide your face. I love it when you blush, especially when it's because of me."

I'm not usually as straightforward as Jungkook is with compliments, so I threw him off with my next statement, "Well you're handsome.

This caused him to raise an eyebrow, "You think so?"

"I know so." Jungkook then leaned forward and pressed his forehead against mine while firmly placing his hands on my thighs.

"You sure?"

"Positive." Jungkook quickly pecked my lips surprising me this time. He continued to do this until I finally responded by wrapping my arms around his neck.

After a few seconds, he pulled away and smirked, "Okay, I believe you." I laughed and kissed him again, making sure it was longer than the last. A small, cold shiver went down my spine from the sudden contact with the metal ring on his lip.

"What the fuck is going on here?" We were startled apart from each other and looked in the direction the voice came from. I swore I could've passed out when I saw who it was.

I immediately got off the bike, "Dad, aren't you supposed to be at work?"

Completely ignoring my question, he asked again, "What the hell is this?" Neither Jungkook and I said anything. Jungkook actually looked pissed. "I tell you to stay away from him and when I finally think you listened, I find out you're dating him. Why don't you just listen?" The next thing that happened caused a few tears to escape my eyes. My dad slapped me. Before I could even process the feeling in my right cheek, Jungkook stepped forward and pushed my dad away from me hard enough that he almost fell.

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