Ten Drinks and Ten Minutes

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Chapter 5

Rosé's POV

Friday - December 21, 2017

"Jennie, Rosé, ready to go?" Kai asked as he got out of his car in front of my house. Jennie and I walked down the steps and over to him.

"Yep. You know where to go, right?" I replied.

"Yeah, let's go." We got in his car and he drove to Chungha's house. Once we arrived, we got out and greeted Chungha at the door. She then led us into her backyard where there were a bunch of people drinking and dancing and things you would normally see at a club. This is why I usually avoid going to parties. Nonetheless, I followed Jennie and Kai over to a table to get drinks. I didn't plan on being an idiot like them and drinking alcohol. Someone had to drive home. Jennie told us that after the party we could spend the night at her house. Kai and Jennie were completely drunk and are now passed out. Kai on the floor and Jennie on the couch. So I don't know if they'll even make it to Jennie's. I made my way upstairs so I could go to the bathroom. Though I didn't make it far enough due to someone stopping me. I heard the man say something but I didn't really care enough to fully listen. I pushed passed him, but he grabbed my wrist and placed his hand on my hip. I've been in this situation before, but this time, I felt a lot more uncomfortable.

"Let go of me." I tried to yank my arm away from him but he didn't even budge. His hand slowly started moving closer to the zipper on my ripped jeans and that's when I screamed. I elbowed him in the stomach with my free arm causing him to stumble back a little. Though the persistent asshole came toward me again. There was a fairly big space in between us. He jumped forward but never reached me. He jumped into the person who exited the room on my left. I recognized that leather jacket anywhere, but I was confused as to why he was here in the first place. He's not a high school senior. I was pulled from my questioning thoughts when the man stood up after falling to the floor. He then turned around to walk away, but Jungkook grabbed the collar of his shirt from behind.

"What's wrong? Don't want to go after me now? Or is it only girls you like to harass?" Jungkook taunted. This guy is seriously looking for a fight because he faced Jungkook and swung at him but Jungkook easily dodged it. Unlike Young K, this guy was a lot smaller than Jungkook, so he wouldn't even stand a chance against him. Jungkook grabbed the man's collar and pinned him against the wall. Due to how drunk the guy was, he passed out when he hit his head. Jungkook released him and turned to me. "Is this just gonna be a thing now? Me saving you?" He walked over to me.

"I saved you last time. Sort of."

"Alright, last time we saved each other. But are you okay?"

"Yeah. Thank you." He nodded. "What are you doing here anyway? Chungha invited seniors and you're obviously not a senior."

"Oh, Chungha's brother is Mingyu. I know you've met him already."

"I never knew Chungha had a brother."

"Yeah. He told me she was having a party and told me to come."

"Makes sense." Just then, Mingyu came out of one of the rooms and pulled Jungkook away with him down the hall.

"See you later," He called out while being dragged away. Once he disappeared, I finally went to the bathroom since I still hadn't gone. I then went downstairs and found Kai awake. And drinking again.

"Kai, are you crazy? You're gonna kill yourself, stop drinking." I took the cup from his hand and put it down.

"I will stop when you actually get drunk."

"Kai, no. Both you and Jennie are drunk, someone has to drive home."

"It's fine. We'll call a cab or have someone else bring us home. Come on, loosen up. Stop being such a good girl and live a little." He handed me the drink that I had taken away and put down. "I'll stop drinking when you drink this."

I sighed and gave in. "Fine. But only this one." I grabbed the cup and gulped it down. That one ended up turning into nine more. I hate going against my own word. It was already pretty late by the time I stopped. I stumbled toward the couch to get Jennie and Kai. But they were both passed out again. I then did my best to get to the front door but tripped on my own feet. I never met the floor though. By the time I was actually able to tell that someone's arms were around me, I passed out.

Jungkook's POV

After being pulled down the hallway by Mingyu and being needed for absolutely no reason, I went downstairs. I did not want to be here any longer. I squeezed through the many bodies blocking the stairs. Though I'm an idiot and left my phone in Mingyu's room. Once I grabbed it, I went back downstairs only to be met with someone tripping into me. I caught her and immediately recognized her as Rosé. Seeing her drunk was probably the last thing I expected to see at this party. I tried talking to her, but she passed out. I looked around to look for her two friends I saw her with at some point, but they were passed out too. I sighed before picking her up bridal style and pushing through the crowd of people. I eventually made it outside. I rode my motorcycle here and I obviously can't take her home on that. Her house is at least twenty minutes from here. Even if it was closer, I don't think me showing up at her house with her drunk and unconscious is a good idea. The only thing I could do is go to my house. So I ended up walking the ten minutes to my house. Good thing Nari works late today. She told me Talia was spending the night at her friend's house since it's Christmas break for her. I was somehow able to unlock the door with Rosé still in my arms. I shut the door behind me with my foot and immediately went upstairs. As I was walking, Rosé slowly started to stir awake. I hurried to my room and sat her down as she opened her eyes. She looked around a little confused. I grabbed a black t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants and handed them to her. She understood that I was giving her clothes to change into, so she tried to walk to the bathroom, but stumbled. I held her shoulders and led her so she wouldn't fall. Hopefully, she won't fall in the bathroom. When I went to shut the door once she was, she stopped it and pulled me in after her.

In probably one of the most innocent voices, she spoke, "I need help." She started to pull the hem of her shirt up, but I stopped her.

"Stop and sit down." She let go of her shirt and sat down on the toilet. "Okay, I'll be right back." I went downstairs quickly and grabbed a water bottle before going back upstairs and giving it to her. She drank almost half of it before putting it down on the sink. "Are you okay? Can you stand?" She stood up without stumbling so the water definitely helped. "Okay, drink the rest of that, and then change." She nodded and I left the room. I entered my room and quickly changed into a pair of sweatpants. Rosé soon came back without tripping over herself. I handed her a bag in which she put her stuff before she looked at me. "Alright, lay down. Try to sleep." She put the bag on the floor and layed down on the bed, almost immediately falling asleep. I took my shirt off since I usually don't sleep with a shirt and layed down next to her. I faced the opposite way and sighed before falling asleep myself.

A/N: This is more of a shorter chapter, but hopefully you guys are enjoying it.

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