Dr. Stranger Things

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Im so happy for no reason today.. lol my weirdness.


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I groggily rub my eyes for the 100th time for the day and let out a yawn. I close my eyes, bringing the cup of steaming hot coffee to my lips. Its still 7am and I cant keep my head held high, because I was tired and my eyes were failing me.

To be honest... Im not an early bird, but Im also not much of a night owl. If to be put in the right words, I can safely say that I belong in that category of weirdos, who sleeps early and wakes up late. Eventhough, I went to bed at 10 last night, I still felt sleep deprived and exhausted. Why 10 you ask? well, apparently after returning to the tent last night, I ended up spending a hour and a half crying over my dumped-ceremony... its a clichè thought.. I know, but I just couldnt help it.

The whole scenario, of getting rejected was by far my worst encounter. I mean.. like, c'mon... I spent my 3years, setting my heart on only one guy! For three years! And then, he comes out saying he is already committed to somebody else?!! That hurts... more than me coming 2nd in every class that I take with Zack.

Talking about Zack, he did pop in a few times to check on me when I was going through my little mental breakdown last night. Eventually, even he came to know about my confession-disaster and to my surprise, he did not actually make fun of me. Although, he was always against, with me dating somebody like Jaren... for this one time, he did not open his mouth to say something snarky over my stupidity or over me crying. At the end of the break-up party and few red runny noses, he did call me an ugly crier making me laugh and setting my mood back on track.

I cant say for sure that Im over Jaren... I cant be... but, the little part of sanity and common-sense siding with pride, is begging me to let him go.

Well, Lea... you can do this.

I sighed.

Okay.. new mission.. forget Mr. Crush.

"Morning prayers?" I heard a strong firm voice close to me.

I opened my eyes and met with a pair of warm brown ones looking into mine.

Shit! Was I mumbling that loud?

"No... I'm just tired.." I replied, giving a weak laugh.

Trayson smiled at me and I was in awe. Okay.. he was definitely handsome up close. His short crop hair.. looked really good on him and I couldnt pry my eyes aways from him.

"I know... its kind of a routine to wake up at 6 here, there are members who go on training at early mornings.. so that's why. Oh- I also apologise for my old friend Mr. Dumb-bell... trust me.. but there are few mornings that I myself want to go rip out that stupid old bell, for rudely awaking me." He said looking at me, with a glint in his eyes.

I laughed and replied, "no... its really okay." I pressed a small smile on my face and went back to drinking my coffee. Not longer than the warm liquid simmered down my throat I heard the most annoying voice passby me.


I turned my head to meet a certain blonde's back who was going towards the serving counter.

I simply shook my head and turned back to my coffee. Just because she calls me something... doesnt mean that I am that thing. Im not going to give her a piece of me, cause that's exactly what she is looking for.

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