EGO: I Still.

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 A/N: HELLO PEEPS!!! so here you have another one, hope you like it, don't forget to comment and vote please!!! I love you all. A gift on the side as usual, I found it and start laughing really hard, because well it's funny and I like that movie. Today is dedicated to an amazing person @yesitstes she helped me with her magical rainbow to finish the chapter hahahahaha it's a true story!!! so yeah there you have it. Something I'll never forget to mention, I'm sorry for my grammatical errors, my language is not English so obviously I have errors. Remember to VOTE, COMMENT and SPREAD THE WORD. I LOVE YOU ALL! <3

 I was sobbing, that was the letter, the one they quoted in the movie. But somehow the words got to me. The words kept ringing in my head. When I was reading it one person came into my mind, one person only, the one I've been in love with for more than half a year, the one I miss so much. I guess I was crying really loud because I felt someone's arms around my shoulders, I hug him back, I knew who he was becaue of the way he smelled. I didn't want to let him go. Maybe just for one day, just one day we can go back to when there was no drama. When he was mine and I was his, just one day, to feel alive again, to feel like I have something to live for.

“Why are you crying Lexi?” He asked me without moving, his arms around my shoulders, mines in his waist.

“Beethoven” I manage to say and he chuckle. “Don't laugh!” I said moving but he hold me tight.

“Not yet” He whisperer and I knew what he meant.

“You have a girlfriend” I said and try to push him but it was useless.

“About that...” He started but I cut him off.

“Zayn, thanks for the book and the necklace, I really love them” I said trying to get out of his embrace, he sigh heavily and let me go.

“Thanks for the ring and the boots, I really loved them and that you remembered” He said with a soft voice, calm and beautiful.

“Yeah, well I wasn't so sure you would like them, you know with all the changes you had I didn't knew what to get to you, I honestly thought about a dozen mirrors, but then I remembered that I order the ring and the boots before so there was no turning back” I said too quickly without looking at him.

“Lexi...” He sounded off, like he was in deep thought.

“I'm sorry, I didn't meant it, I was just...GOD! I sound like an idiot right now” I was angry at myself, I was being so rude to him, but he was all lovely-lovely with me but he had a girlfriend. “Let's just leave it at THANK YOU, okay?” I said looking at him, he kinda looked, hurt? Nope, imagination again.

“HEY LOVE BIRDS, COME BACK” I heard someone shouting and my jaw droped when I saw it was Jordan, I swear to god I was going to kill him.

“RUN FOR YOUR LIFE NOW!” I shouted and took the box with the book and started runing towards him.

He let out a girly scream and I started runing after him, I throw the book and the box near Lauren I think and chase him through all the house, he was going to pay. We entered the kitchen, the living room, then the stairs, he tricked me because while I was looking in the rooms he was in the bathroom and then when I was about to get him, we tripped and roll down the stairs like in cartoons. We landed next to each other or at least I think because when I tried to open my eyes I couldn't I felt tired and sleepy but we always been thought that after big hit you should stay awake, so I force my eyes to open and just when I did I saw all my friends worried faces, now, if you haven't seen them from my angle, they look pretty weird or maybe it was the hit I got to the head that made me see them really weird. I started to laugh and they got concern I could see it in their faces, I tried to stand up and I couldn't I was dizzy I saw Jordan next to me with the same expresion I had I crawl to be just centimeters away from him.

EGO. (Zayn Malik #2)Where stories live. Discover now