EGO: Blackout.

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 A/N: HELLO PEEPS!!! it's been long I know, I had writers block but I think I'm back, even with this short/crappy chapter, I wanted to say thank you so much for everything and you comments, my mom is okay now. Please, please check my other story LAST TO KNOW  I know maybe you don't like The Wanted or something but I promise it would be a funny story. It's kinda like secrets/romance/drama/comedy thing hahahahaha I'll be updating that on friday's so please comment and vote that sotry and this one.!!! Here my apology for my bad writing and for my laziness.  I'm sorry for my grammatical errors, my language is not English so obviously I have errors. Remember to VOTE, COMMENT and SPREAD THE WORD. I LOVE YOU ALL! <3

It's been a week and me, Jordan and Dan had started classes, the lads and the girls eventually left the place and they are at the house, Amanda was staying with them because her school was really near Kensington. So it was me and Jordan training hard trying to learn something. Dan on the other hand he was a year younger so he was just starting so we didn't had classes together but most of the time we saw eachother in his dorm or in mine.I miss my friends, like really miss them but today was friday so we were going to hang out in the house and I wanted to invite Dan but he was damn busy with his homework. So it was me and my friends like old times, I just knew something was going to happen. I just knew that. I walked to the house to find everyone running around, even Jordan who came here early, everyone but Zayn who was in the couch.

“Hey! Where is the fire?” I asked sitting right next to him.

“Apparently, in the London Eye, Nandos, the Park, the Cinema and the Zoo” He said with a chuckle.

“WHAT? They are all going out?” Congratulations Lexi for pointing the obvious.

“Yeah, they all have dates or something like that, I mean I don't see what the point is, they could have gone any day in the week but no, they wanted to go on friday” He said letting out a sigh and I kinda understand him, we were going to be alone for a few hours.

“So you are not going out?” I asked just to be sure, he shook his head. “Do you want to do something?” I knew that our story was a bit confusing but I mean we could hang out as friends right?

“With you?” He said shocked, well I guess we can't hang out without the awkwardness.

“Okay. Just forget it, I'll call Kyle or something” I said.

“Wait, I didn't meant it like that” He said trying to catch up.

“Forget it Zayn, it was stupid for me to ask you” I said.

And before he could say something I went to my room and started to change into something more comfortable, I called Kyle and about my feeling of “something is going to happen” well I just told Kyle I'll be running tonight. What can I say? I needed money. I took my old leather jacket, my black ripped jeans, my boots and a white long sleeve shirt. It was cold so I took my beanie and some gloves. Even I had my clothes on I took a little nap I needed to be on my full tonight it's been two months since the last time I was in a race, I mean yeah I drive the bike in Madrid but I didn't race. I was deep sleep until I heard my phone, it was my alarm.

EGO. (Zayn Malik #2)Where stories live. Discover now