9| Wrong Foot Bad Foot

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{Raje Pov }

As I followed Cliché to the car, he walked over to the passenger side and graciously opened the door for me. Without uttering a single word, he got in, and we embarked on a thirty-minute drive to our destination. Tears streamed down my face throughout the ride—I couldn't bear the thought of losing her. She was my everything, my entire world.

Once we pulled up to the house, I took a moment to admire it—a grand wooden structure with a deep, rich color. Cliché stepped out of the car after me and headed towards the front door. He nodded for me to follow, and I obliged, making sure to keep a close eye on my surroundings.

Cliché glanced over his shoulder, ensuring no one was watching, before unlocking the door. Anxious to get inside, I hastened my steps. Stepping into the house, I couldn't help but notice how remarkably clean it was, defying expectations for a neighborhood like this. No shade intended.

Curiosity got the best of me, and I couldn't resist asking, "Is this your house?" as I cautiously explored the premises, careful not to touch anything.

He chuckled before responding, "Naw, Ma. It's our trap house." His tone hinted at a hint of hesitation in divulging this information. My head shot up—why the hell did he bring me here?

"So, this is what y'all do?" I muttered, and he nodded, a mix of assurance and resignation in his eyes.

Now I understood why she didn't want to tell me.

"When I was younger, around eleven, I had an older brother named JonJon. He was everything to me, but he got murdered doing this kinda shit. He was sixteen at the time, selling drugs, and I never understood why. My mama would always ask what he sold drugs for, but he never got the chance to explain." I poured my heart out, revealing the pain that still lingered.

As I grew older, I connected the dots and realized that it was his way of looking out for us. My mother was practically a single mother, doing her best to raise us in the best neighborhoods her hands could afford.

"I'm sorry to hear that," he responded sincerely, and I shrugged. "It's fine. We all have to die one day, right?" I posed the question rhetorically, searching for solace.

"Yeah, I feel you," he said plainly, scratching the back of his head.

I continued to explore the house, cautious not to disturb anything. "Why... why do you sell? I don't know why, but I think it's dumb. I ain't knocking your hustle or anything," I voiced, trying to understand.

"I don't. I keep shit in order, and others sell for me. But I make sure everyone eats. I consider some of these niggas family—they've been riding with me for a while. The only way I'll be in trouble is if they rat out. But these dudes, they're family, like I said. They won't...at least I hope not," he explained.

"What do you do if they do snitch?" I asked, fear creeping into my voice.

"I've never had that problem, but if it ever came to that, I'd handle it. I could go into detail, but that's too much information for you," he concluded, ending the conversation abruptly.

An awkward silence hung in the air. I couldn't believe he was sharing all of this with me—I thought this kind of stuff was supposed to remain secretive.

"Well, how'd you get into it? Did you grow up around it?" I asked, knowing I bombarded him with questions but eager to understand the connection with my brother's choices.

"Nah, I'm a provider. I don't know much more than this. Dropped out in the 12th grade. Momma passed away two years ago. I have a little sister who's six. Daddy's probably locked up somewhere," Cliché replied.

"I'm sorry, Cliché," I said, trying to alleviate the tension. "Well, can you show me around?"

"Uptight Raje wants me to show her the roots. How cute, I'm so flattered," he sarcastically remarked, causing me to blush.

"Don't push it, " I said, folding my arms and letting out a laugh.

"Why are you so gorgeous?" he complimented, licking his lips. His body towered over me so close we could feel each others body heat. 

"Boy stop playing and show me around" I suggested, trying to stay on topic. I was unsure how to respond to his flirtatiousness since it rarely happened to me.

"Alright, Ma. Follow me," he said, leading me around the corner.

Damn, this house is huge and beautifully decorated.

We ascended a set of steps that led us to a black door with a "Beware" sign. Cliché unlocked the door and held it open for me.

"Ladies first," he said, and I burst out laughing.

"Aww, Cliché, the gentleman," I teased as he rolled his eyes.

I walked in, and what awaited me around the corner felt like a whole other world—it was stunning.

He guided me to a walk-in closet with a massive safe. He pulled out the safe, which had wheels, and unlocked it.

Weed and other substances were scattered everywhere—dope and crystal.

"So, this is what you move? Damn, this is like heaven. Just don't let any crackhead find this," I remarked, amazed by the sight.

"Yeah, I don't mess with crack. That shit ruins people's lives. We bag it up before we go, and on a good day, we usually get home around 8. By 'good day,' I mean no drama, no one's momma dying, that kind of shit. Plus, this house isn't really the trap. This house is the least of my problems; all the real shit goes down at the other house," he explained with a grin.

"You're such a cornball, you know that?" I chuckled.

"This is house two," he said, closing the safe and pushing it back into the closet.

He then walked into the room behind the closet, almost like a spy room, where guns were strewn all over.

I spotted a CZ 75, Glock 17, and AK-47—guns my dad had stored in our house at one point.

"And obviously, these are the guns," he dryly stated, his unreadable expression suggesting he was studying me.

"Okay well that's good I guess. Can you do me a favor?" I questioned him.

He nodded assuringly "Wassup baby girl"

"I don't care what yall do. Just promise me my best friend's life. She's all I got left. I lost my brother this same way, and my father. I can't have it be my best and only friend too, " I explained

" Like I said before. We all family. I'm not letting nothing happen to my lil sis" He reassured. 

I nodded my head and smiled small. "Thank you..so what's your real name? I think I should know since you're  in the care of my best friend"

"I'll tell you oneday, just let's go so we can lock up"

"Oh, one more thing. You need some surveillance up this place, you know,  to save you time in the penn. Consider not leaving all the evidence here just in case." I suggested, immediately remembering how my father got caught. 

"Damn Ma, you right. Imma look into that."

We started walking back to the car and I felt a sense of relief being in the know. Although it still bothered me it had to come to this in the first place. I'll be honest though.  He's not bad when you get to have alone time with him.

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