5|Suspicion Kills Relations

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*Picture of Cliché in multimedia*

{Ivory Pov }

  I woke up from my nap, groggy and disoriented, only to realize that we were just five minutes away from the mall. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I let out a yawn and struggled to find my voice.

"How long was I asleep?" I managed to ask, still fighting off the remnants of drowsiness.

"About twenty minutes. Why?" Raje replied, her tone curious and slightly amused.

Shrugging off the grogginess, I chuckled and said, "Just wondering. Damn, that nap felt amazing." We shared a laugh, enjoying the lighthearted moment.

Raje signaled and turned right into the parking lot of the mall. I quickly grabbed my purse, but as I did, my Desert Eagle accidentally slipped out. Panicking, I swiftly retrieved it and discreetly stashed it back into the concealed compartment. Fortunately, Raje had already gotten out of the car and was waiting for me. I joined her outside, and she locked the car door behind us.

As we stepped into the mall, a sense of excitement filled the air. Raje decided that she wanted to get her nails done first, so that's where our mall adventure began. I opted for a set of nails with a full design and sharp tips, while Raje chose a style that suited her taste.

Once our nails were beautifully manicured, we ventured into the world of shopping. Our first stop was H&M, where we eagerly browsed the racks, eventually settling on matching T-shirts and jeans that we planned to customize by ripping and bleaching them.

Feeling the urge to check out the new Jordans I had my eye on, I suggested we make a detour to Foot Locker. However, as we made our way toward the store, I spotted someone unexpected—Trigger.

Trigger was supposed to be keeping watch over the trap house, C2, while I was out. I couldn't fathom why he was here, casually shopping and appearing far from his designated responsibilities. Realizing the potential risks of his presence, I swiftly excused myself, telling Raje that I needed to use the bathroom. Before Trigger could spot me, I rounded the corner and pulled out my cell phone, dialing his number. I kept a close watch through the window, observing his actions and waiting to see if he would tell the truth.

The phone rang four times before he finally decided to answer, and I could sense his apprehension through the faint sound of his voice.

"Hey, Trigger?" I asked, trying to maintain a sense of normalcy.

"Yeah, what's up, Ma?" he responded, attempting to sound calm and collected.

"Just checking in, you know. How's everything at the house? All in order?" I inquired, feigning casual concern.

"Uh, yeah, everything's chill. Just playing a game right now, 'bout to step out and lock up in a minute until Cliché gets here," he lied.

"Oh, I see. Strange, though. Why don't I hear the game?" I questioned, trying to catch him off guard.

Before he could provide an explanation, the shoe clerk interrupted, asking him, "What size do you want these new 13's in...?" Caught red-handed. I mentally smirked as the call abruptly ended.

Returning from my hiding place around the corner, I reentered the store and found Raje engrossed in examining some Tropical Roshe shoes. While her attention remained fixed on the display, I discreetly approached Trigger, who was still engrossed in scrolling through his phone while clutching the Jordans.

As he glanced over his right shoulder and caught sight of me, a wave of unease washed over his face. Wanting to avoid any unnecessary attention, I refrained from making eye contact, pretending to be engrossed in browsing the nearby shoe section.

But I couldn't contain my anger any longer. I took a deep breath and composed myself before confronting Trigger. I moved closer to him, ensuring that our conversation remained hushed and hidden from prying eyes in case Raje happened to turn around.

"First and foremost, you lied to me, Trigger. That's precisely why I called you in the first place," I asserted sternly, my tone laced with disappointment. "Secondly, why the hell aren't you at the house? We've got enough heat from the authorities because of Marcus. Do you honestly think it's wise to leave the trap house unattended?"

Trigger smacked his teeth in frustration, a defensive response to my scolding. "Aye, lil mamas, I know you're mad and all, but you need to chill. It was your day anyway, right? I've got a life too. While you're out here relaxing with your freshly done nails, strutting around, maybe you should be the one wrapping up the dope and cleaning guns, not me! You think you're all that just because you're Marcus' girl? Nah, babygirl. This is just the C2 Crib, and you're acting like it's a big deal. Get the fuck over it."

I couldn't believe his audacity. My frustration grew, and I decided to lay down the ultimatum. "If following your role is such a significant issue for you, then maybe this life isn't meant for you. What the hell are you doing it for? Don't bother coming back to this shit either."

Trigger smacked his teeth once more, a display of defiance mixed with resentment. "Nigga, you don't run shit. Cliché does. And he barely does!" he shouted, his words filled with frustration before storming out of the store.

His anger was evident as he left without even making the purchase he intended. As I watched him go, I knew I had to be cautious. I couldn't afford to encounter him again when I returned to the trap house. All hell would break loose if our paths crossed once more.

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