8|Answer When Asked

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Ivory's thoughts raced, her mind swirling with the weight of the secret she carried. Cliché's unexpected decision to allow her to disclose their operation to Raje left her baffled and concerned. The motive behind his choice eluded her, and she couldn't help but question his intentions.

Fear gripped Ivory's heart as she contemplated the consequences of snitching. The streets were ruthless, and she had witnessed firsthand the fate that awaited those who betrayed their criminal associates. She adamantly refused to become a snitch, firmly believing that her life depended on keeping their secret.

Though she maintained a facade of bravery in front of Cliché, Ivory couldn't ignore the nagging fear deep within her. She was well aware of his capabilities and the lengths he would go to protect his interests. It was that knowledge that truly frightened her.

As Cliché watched Ivory's internal struggle, he understood the gravity of his decision. Allowing Ivory to reveal their secret to Raje was a risk he couldn't ignore, but preserving Ivory's friendship with Raje meant everything to him. Their bond was the last remaining fragment of Ivory's shattered life, and he couldn't bear to witness it crumble due to the secrets he kept.

A quick glance at the tattoo etched on his arm served as a stark reminder of the world he was entangled in. However, when he met Ivory's gaze, he mustered a nod, silently giving her the go-ahead. He hoped that by unveiling their secret, it would strengthen their bond rather than destroy it.

Cliché observed the telltale signs of Ivory's unease, her forehead glistening with beads of sweat. He knew his sister all too well; she was about to resort to lying. But he had made up his mind. It was time for the truth to come out.

Impatience fueled Raje's frustration as she tapped her foot and crossed her arms, demanding answers from Ivory. The air grew heavy with tension as Raje sensed Ivory's reluctance to share the truth.

Ivory's stuttering response only heightened Raje's suspicion, indicating her strong reluctance to reveal the information. Raje couldn't ignore the fact that Ivory desperately wanted to evade the topic at hand.

Cliché's sharp interruption cut through the silence, leaving Raje stunned. A blank expression settled upon her face as the truth unfolded before her. Her best friend, Ivory, was involved in drug dealing alongside Marcus—a revelation she struggled to comprehend.

Seeking clarity amidst the chaos, Raje's voice trembled as she asked Ivory, "What do you mean by 'sell drugs'?" The disbelief and confusion in her voice were palpable.

{Raje Pov }

"I'm Waiting" I demanded and I tapped my foot growing impatient while folding my arms on my chest.

I started getting real irritated.

"Well uhh...w-we are. W-we do this -" She said beginning to stutter. She must really not wanna tell me about this.

"Fuck it. Your bestfriend is sellin' drugs with me and Marcus got it?  Great"  Cliché said cutting her off sharply.

I scoffed, I couldn't get my mind to process what just happened.  My face was so blank .

"What you mean by sell drugs?"  I asked looking for clarification.

"I mean what I say.  She making bread money and you just gonna have to deal with it". He answered with no problem.

I shook my head. "Ivory, please tell me he not serious about this?"  I questioned.   I just can't believe it she would do something like this.

I mean for god sakes her uncle is a Martial in the damn army.

"I'm really sorry best fri--"  She began.

"Save it"  I cut her off while holding my hand up.

Ivory was looking down at her feet.  "How you doing this?"  I asked getting pissed.

She just shrugged her shoulders unable to get the words out.

"How about I just show you"  Cliché suggested to me and his face was looking unreadable.

I hope he wasn't bout to kill me off, cause he the one who snitched on himself.

Like I couldn't tell if he was serious or fucking with me.  Next thing I know he reached in his pocket and pulled out a set of car keys.

"Follow me........... Just you"  He said sternly and I nodded following behind him.

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