Feng Fen Dai, You Are Looking for Trouble

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This palace banquet once again had two seperate entrances for male and female guests. Feng Jin Yuan gave a few words of advice to his three daughters then went to sit in his own carriage.

Today, the Feng family only prepared two carriages. The three young misses had to sit together.

Xiang Rong and Fen Dai were accustomed to this long ago. Only Chen Yu still thought of her sandalwood carriage. Seeing that her expression was sinking more and more, Yi Lin quickly reminded her in a quiet voice: "Eldest yougn miss, did you not gift that carriage to the elder madam?"

Feng Chen Yu gritted her teeth: "She currently can not even sit up in bed. How is it that she does not know to allow me to sit in that carriage?"

"Young miss, you absolutely must not get angry. Entering the palace is the most important matter."

Chen Yu also understood this and took a deep breath. In the end, she forcefully repressed her dejection. She went forward and was the first to enter the carriage.

Fen Dai rolled her eyes at Chen Yu then followed her in. Xiang Rong was the last to get in the carriage, leaving only the side seat.

She carefully sat down and used her hand to fasten the hem of her clothes, as she feared that she would dirty them.

The more Fen Dai and Chen Yu looked at the refined lake soul silk, the more they felt their eyes blinded. They could not help but avert their gazes. None of the three dared to pay any attention to the other.

This time, they entered through a gate called Xiang Rui gate. Apparently, this was the gate that excellent women walked through when the Emperor was choosing his wives. The Emperor had not taken anyone in for nearing ten years, so many people thought that this gate would never be opened; however, they did not think that the female guests for this banquet would be welcomed through Xiang Rui gate.

As always, the gate had a group of grannies taking note of invitations. At the same time, they also kept a record of who entered the palace.

When the Feng family's carriage stopped to the side, a great many people turned their heads to look over.

Fen Dai was full of spirit, as she had not participated in one of these banquets. For a while, she could not hold it in and was the first to exit the carriage.

But most people did not recognized the Feng family's fourth young miss. Glancing at her, they felt that she was not wearing any clothing of exceptional quality, so they did not take her to be someone important. There were even people who thought she was a servant and said: "This really is the standard first rank Feng family. Even a maidservant is dressed to brilliantly."

Fen Dai's ears were sharp and immediately heard these words. Angered, she fiercely glared: "Who did you say is a maidservant?"

That girl was given a fright but very quickly understood that she had made a mistake. She quickly apologized and bowed to make amends.

Fen Dai no longer paid her any heed, as she stood alone while admiring the palace's gates.

This was her first time entering the palace. Everything was new to her. Even the grannies and palace maids who stood at the gate felt very new to her.

But the young misses who were lining up to enter the palace caused her to feel a little uncomfortable, as she saw that they all wore clothes that were more beautiful than the next. Practically all of the high quality clothes and expensive jewelry were worn. Only then did Fen Dai realize the ready-made clothes that she had thought looked very good could not even compare to the clothes some of their servants wore. Especially the accessories that she wore, they were even more shabby.

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