Chen shi Gives Away a Treasure

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"Grandmother." She whispered, interrupting the matriarch's train of thought, "From a young age, second sister had learned a great deal from master Yao. Chen Yu just thought about it, there is no harm in trying the methods she stated. Now that concubine mother Yao has returned to the capital, along with second sister and Zi Rui, we should repair the relationship between our family and the Yao family. Chen Yu will speak with mother about getting the Yao family a gift for the end of the year."

"No!" The matriarch was awoken from her reverie by Feng Chen Yu. The Yao family had been punished personally by the Emperor. Daring to have have relations with them, wouldn't that just be slapping the Emperor in the face? "Yao shi returning to the manor has nothing to do with the Yao family. There is also no rule where the husband's family should give gifts to a concubine's family. Do not bring this up again." With a wave of her hand, this matter was concluded.

Feng Yu Heng did not mind. Whether or not there was an elder in the manor to protect her, it did not matter to her. For her, outside of Yao shi and Zi Rui, she could not care less about the others in the manor. If they wanted to fight, then fight properly to the end. Do not worry about the original body owner dying in the mountain village and being reborn.

She sat back again. To her side, Fen Dai shifted her chair away, the two accidentally brushing a corner of her clothes. Fen Dai raised her handkerchief and slapped her twice with it, then put her handkerchief away, glancing at Feng Yu Heng.

She blinked a few times and also brought out a handkerchief to brush the corner of her clothes. Then, she handed it over to Man Xi, "Take it out and throw it away."

Fen Dai's face went green with anger. She still had no way of dealing with her second sister. She could only remain seated and resentfully wring her hands.

At this moment, from outside someone loudly yelled: "Is mother-in-law up yet?"

It was Chen shi.

The matriarch really disliked when Chen shi did this sort of thing. If she lost some of her own dignity then it was fine, but to drag her down as well. What in the world is 'up yet?' What time of the day was it? Who was this yell meant for?

Feng Chen Yu saw the matriarch's facial expression was not good and quickly went to welcome her. Supporting Chen shi, she said: "Mother really knows how to keep grandmother happy." As she spoke, she saw that Chen shi held a jadeite bead necklace. She had never seen it before, so it was definitely newly acquired. The jadeite was exquisitely carved, showing that it was the most rare and expensive type.

Chen Yu recalled that her young uncle had come to the hall yesterday afternoon. Every time young uncle came, he would give mother a good number of nice things. She must have received it from him yesterday.

Turning that thought around, she immediately spoke: "Are these the beads mother said she wanted to gift grandmother? It's actually a glass-type, so such a rare and expensive item really should be held by grandmother. Only that would be best!"

When these words were spoken, everyone froze. Even Chen shi was stupefied. Looking at the thing in her hands then at Chen Yu, who winked at her, she could tell that something had happened in the room before she arrived. She then thought about the things reported by granny Li. Everything from the large to the small, all the happenings in Willow courtyard were reported. Her gaze set itself on Feng Yu Heng.

This girl must have done something again!

She did not really believe some of the things that granny Li had reported. In her memory, Yao shi and her children were not the type to counterattack. Could it be that living in the mountains had changed them?

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now