Worthless Legs and Ruined Face

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As expected, there were some deployed. She recalled something granny Sun had said on their way back to the capital. These past few years, Feng Jin Yuan had fostered many secret bodyguards. All of the guards were without parents, nor wife or children. They only obeyed Feng Jin Yuan, alone. This meant that the guards only answered to Feng Jin Yuan and not the entirety of Feng manor.

She was unable to determine precisely how many guards there were in this yard, but she also could not remain in this yard without moving. Within the study, a shadow could be seen pacing back and forth. This would mean that something had gone and ruined Feng Jin Yuan's original plans. Not only that, but it brought chaos to his mind, making him unable to sit or stand still.

Feng Yu Heng was also finding it hard to stay still. She subconsciously raised her hand to the phoenix-shaped birthmark and suddenly entered the pharmacy.

Inside a closet in the rest room was a military-grade telescope. It had a length of half her arm. It was something great that she had managed to sneak away from the Marine Corps. Now she had a great place to use it.

Pulling the telescope out, Feng Yu Heng pushed her body in to a crevice in the rockery, hiding herself well. Only then, did she bring the telescope to her eyes.

One at the eight o'clock position, one at the ten o'clock position, twelve o'clock, two o'clock, four o'clock...

The deployment of guards at Pine courtyard was very orderly. With the courtyard partially surrounded, it was protected very well. Yet, there was no guard at the door! Smart people wouldn't allow for important areas to be truly watertight. There would always be an entrance or an exit in order to intentionally lure uninvited guests.

Unfortunately, Feng Yu Heng was an observant person. Not only was she smart, she had skills. She also had a cheat-like personal space.

She tossed the telescope back in to her pharmacy and carefully took note of the distances. She moved with light steps along the outermost circle of cypress trees, heading towards the back of the study. Each time she entered a guard's field of view, she would hide her body within her space.

The uses of this space had already been completely figured out along the path back to the capital. It wasn't limited to just using her consciousness to pull items out, but she could enter with her body as well. As long as her hand was touching the phoenix-shaped birthmark and her mind willed it, she would enter the space in the blink of an eye.

Furthermore, once inside the space, it was not a static one. She had experimented and found that every time she entered, she would be at the main door on the first floor. No matter which way she moved, be it left or right, the space inside was the same as on the outside.

In other words, if she walked left in her space, she would have moved the same number of steps when she returned to the real world.

If she went to the second floor, she had to first return to the first floor, else she might reappear in midair and fall on her butt.

Feng Yu Heng measured carefully and moved towards a guard's monitoring range then entered her space. Inside, she moved as far left as possible then came out. She was perfectly in the guards blind spots.

She continued to do this five more times before finally reaching the study's back window.

She had no intention of doing anything like poking a hole in the window, as she had never believed the person inside would not notice a hole being poked in their window.1

Entering her space again, she went straight for the second floor. Coming out, she found herself on the roof of the study.

She leaned against the roof and examined the shingles. Finding a weak point, she slowly and carefully removed the piece. The study now had a small skylight the size of a fist.

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now