Who Did You Say Was a Waste?

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This shout caused everyone to be startled. Huang Quan instantly appeared before Feng Yu Heng to protect her, while Qing Le, who had been kneeling on the ground, immediately stood up and pulled a hairpin from Feng Chen Yu's head and stabbed towards Feng Yu Heng.

Feng Yu Heng did not even bother dodging, as she watched the crazed Qing Le meet up with the now-active Huang Quan. In the time it took to smile, Qing Le was kicked away by Huang Quan.

This was the first time Feng Chen Yu saw the servant take action. She previously knew that Prince Yu's Palace had gifted two servants that were capable in martial arts, but she never thought they would be so good.

She stared blankly at Feng Yu Heng and saw a coldness and courage in this little sister's eyes. She suddenly felt that she did not recognize this person. Regardless of whether it was the former daughter to the first wife Feng Yu Heng or the more recent daughter of a concubine Feng Yu Heng, it seemed as though neither should be like this.

She could not say precisely what felt off about Feng Yu Heng, but she felt a kind of despair growing at the bottom of her heart.

This little sister, it seemed... she could not defeat her.

Qing Le had knelt for a night and was now kicked by Huang Quan. She had fainted long before she was sent flying by the kick. When she landed there was only the sound of the landing. There was not a single person that went over to help her.

The granny did not mind Huang Quan taking action and kicking someone. She was someone who had been at the palace for a long time, so she had met Huang Quan and Wang Chuan before. Imperial concubine Yun's former maidservants, who dared to offend them?

She smiled and looked at Feng Yu Heng, completely ignoring the fainted Qing Le. She politely said: "Is princess leaving the palace? Would you like this old servant to arrange a carriage to send you?" As she said this, she looked towards the Feng family's carriage.

Feng Yu Heng smirked. It seemed that the palace's grannies were all experts at managing the gates, thus she was not modest: "That being the case, I will trouble granny."

"What is princess saying?" The granny quickly saluted before leaving to arrange a carriage.

When Feng Yu Heng returned home in the palace's carriage, it was already seven in the morning. After bringing Xiang Rong back to the manor, Feng Jin Yuan told everyone about the happenings of the palace banquet. Presently, Chen Yu was still knelt outside the palace's gates. Originally, the matriarch wanted Feng Jin Yuan to go see her, but Feng Jin Yuan felt that if he went, the Empress anger would flare up once more. Thus he could only send a carriage over to pick her up, while he remained in the manor, silently waiting.

Unfortunately, the daughter that returned in the morning was not the Chen Yu he worried most about. It was Feng Yu Heng.

"Did you see your eldest sister?" The moment Feng Yu Heng entered the manor's gates, Feng Jin Yuan directly went over and asked this question.

She was slightly startled. She had not slept for an entire night, so her consciousness was a little off. Feng Jin Yuan's question caused her become furious "Daughter remained at the palace for the night, yet father does not even ask once how I am?"

Feng Jin Yuan frowned and very impolitely said: "Haven't you returned just fine! Your eldest sister was punished with protracted kneeling outside the palace. How can that be compared to being kept behind to treat the Emperor."

She frowned and looked towards Feng Jin Yuan. Her mind had only one word that consistently rampaged in her mind, shameless!

"I did not see her!" She could not be bothered with wasting any words. With Huang Quan in tow, she turned and walked towards Tong Sheng pavilion.

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now