The Truth Comes Out

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The personal pharmacy of a special medical officer from the 21st century, how could it simply sell medicine.

Feng Yu Heng smirked. This smile having a bit a resemblance to the devilish charm Xuan Tian Ming had.

Reaching out with her hand, she grabbed the corpse's collar. A twelve year old little girl dragged the grown man as though he were a chicken and headed for the second floor. She stopped before a chart of the human anatomy.

In her previous life, she had added some rooms to the second floor of her pharmacy, one of which was an operating room. Inside, all of the equipment was exactly the same as in a military hospital. Regardless of how large the surgery, so long as she knew how, it could be completed in this operating room.

As for the corpse in her hand... Feng Yu Heng rolled her eyes. He was not completely dead. This was something she could tell from a glance. He was definitely not completely dead.

In later generations, medicine determined that only with brain death could someone truly be considered dead. As for the method to determine brain death, this was something the doctors of this age truly could not accomplish. Others go off of breathing, the heart and the pulse to determine if a person is alive or dead. In her eyes, this was incredibly ignorant.

Looking at the chart of the human anatomy, she pressed a mechanism on the wall, causing a small door to open.

Feng Yu Heng dragged the corpse and walked in. The smell of disinfectant washed over her, as the lights in the room turned on. It was as though the room knew that someone wanted to enter. Everything was ready for use.

She smiled. After having experienced living in the ancient era for so long, she realized how useful the inventions of the 21st century were.

Putting the body on the operating table, Feng Yu Heng was accustomed to putting on her white lab coat, which was hanging at the door. Connecting the EEG1, she prepared the defibrillator and placed a stomach pump to the side.

Taking a deep breath, she retrieved the familiar feeling of being a doctor.

She calmed herself down and looked at the data presented by the medical instruments. All of the data produced by the instruments showed that this man had indeed not yet suffered brain death.

Feng Yu Heng now had a good understanding. She gave him a cardiac stimulant and attached the defibrillator. Only after he recovered his pulse would she use the stomach pump to get rid of the poison in his stomach.

The clock in the operating room showed that a full hour had passed. She wiped away some sweat for the last time and finally completed the "revival of a dead man."

In reality, this was just essential knowledge for her; however, for the ancient people, this was no different than the "revival of a dead person." Feng Yu Heng did not dare think about what would happen if there came a day when the people of Da Shun learned that organs could be replaced. Would this world go crazy over it, or perhaps.... would they say she had gone crazy.

She smiled bitterly and did not think on it any further. Removing her white lab coat, she dragged the person back down to the first floor. Standing in the place she had been when she first entered, she moved her consciousness and returned to the small room in Hundred Herb Hall in the blink of an eye.

With Huang Quan and Wang Chuan keeping guard, everything outside was normal. Feng Yu Heng placed the person who had been saved on a soft bed and left the room.

The people outside were very patient. Perhaps it was because they knew that "reviving a dead person" must not be an easy matter. There was nobody who anxiously rushed her. Even the two representatives of the troublemakers were standing obediently behind Xuan Tian Hua. Seeing her come out, and that she had changed her clothes, they subconsciously asked: "He was revived so quickly?"

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now