Entering the Palace

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The matter of Chen Yu not being permitted to enter the palace was something Qing Le knew about; however, she did not understand why Chen Yu absolutely had to enter the palace.

"Although the Mid-Autumn banquet at the palace will be grand, it is not something that must be attended. You have no attended in all the years previous, so why must you go this year?"

Chen Yu had already thought of an excuse: "This is also the first time Feng Yu Heng will attend a palace banquet. Even if she is very well prepared, there will be areas where she is lacking. Moreover, this deficiency is something that we can take advantage of. Could it be that imperial daughter does not want to see what sort of fool she can make of herself?"

Feng Chen Yu's words successfully aroused her interest. Qing Le pondered for a while then actually came up with an idea: "The day of the banquet, make your face darker and act as my servant. I can take the risk of bringing you into the palace."

Chen Yu was very happy and quickly nodded, saying: "Imperial daughter, do not worry. Naturally, I will be discreet."

Qing Le warned her: "If you are recognized by someone, I will not protect you."

Chen Yu nodded: "I will definitely not implicate imperial daughter."

The two arranged to have Chen Yu head over to Lord Ding An's hamlet in the suburbs and wait there. Right before departing, she thought a little and reminded Chen Yu: "The Empress is really afraid of cats."

Chen Yu fell silent for a while.

And just like that, the day of the banquet arrived. Just as Feng Yu Heng was thinking of finding a chance to cure Xuan Tian Ming's legs, Yao shi told her: "Tonight is the night of the Mid-Autumn banquet." At the same time, she received two sets of clothing from Qing Ling: "The beautiful clothes that you and Xiang Rong were going to wear were very beautiful, but Chen shi did just pass away after all. Wearing such beautiful clothes would not be very suitable.These two sets of clothing were made after a discussion with concubine mother An. One is pale aqua and the other is pale blue. They are perfect for the two of you."

Feng Yu Heng was stunned and counted the days. But of course, today was the fifteenth of the eighth month.

Yao shi said to her: "The palace banquet will take place at night, so the manor's family's feast will be at noon. I saw that there were not many preparations made on the matriarch's side. Thinking about it, it seems that she does not have any intentions of attending this year, so it will be just you and Xiang Rong. The rules of the palace that I told you about, have you remembered them all?"

Yao shi was uneasy and reminded her once more: "You and Tian Ge get along well, so once you are at the palace, just stay with her. If you run into any problems, your aunt Lan will also help you out."

Hearing Yao shi mention princess Wen Xuang, Feng Yu Heng remembered something and advised Yao shi: "Mother, you should go out some more normally. Now that Zi Rui is not at home, you will not have much to do. How about having Huang Quan accompany you out to Wen Xuan Palace. Thinking about it, aunt Lan also misses you quite a bit."

Yao shi smiled bitterly, "I am a concubine now, after all. How could I leave the manor when I want to."

"Mother can say that you are going to take care of the shop, or simply be direct. I fear that the matriarch is all too eager to have you visit Wen Xuan Palace more often."

Yao shi nodded, "We'll talk about it after the Mid-Autumn banquet."

Feng Yu Heng did not say anything further as she waited for Xiang Rong. The two sisters tried on the clothes before heading to Shu Ya courtyard.

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu