Who Exactly are You

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Feng Yu Heng did not want to continue listening to their argument. Her two hands folded inside her loose sleeves, she felt a little warmth spreading when she caressed her right wrist. All of a sudden, she saw something that she should not have seen- the private pharmacy that she had opened in a provincial capital.

A two-story pharmacy that had both Chinese and Western medicines. It also had the standard for-sale crutches, wheelchairs and other simple medical equipment. It looked no different from any 21st century pharmacy out there. New medicines, special medicine, and everyday medicines were all available. The only difference was the presence of special medicines used by the Marine Corps and some half-completed medicine.

Feng Yu Heng tested and found that she could easily take things from the pharmacy with just her thoughts.

She was momentarily shocked. Subconsciously, she moved her legs and left the pharmacy. Such an odd discovery would need a quiet, isolated place for further inspection.

At the moment she moved her feet, a sudden cold feeling covered her neck. An ice cold sword came straight towards her.

"Don't move." The voice belonged to the bodyguard.

Feng Yu Heng truly did not dare to move.

This belligerent imp truly is one of King Yama's. While she could talk her around a young master's conscripts, this sort of rash fellow's brain was not very bright. It's not like his sword had eyes either.

She shifted her eyes towards the icy-cold sword. Its cutting edge so sharp, it cut any hair blown its way.

"Apologies, young miss. Regardless your identity, your mistake was being here and seeing my house's young master." As the words came out, the sword point struck out, piercing a rock.

Feng Yu Heng obviously would not stand around waiting to die. However, before she could move even a step, a "ding" sound rang out, followed by a "clang," as the sword struck a rock then fell to the ground.

"Young Master!" The bodyguard turned to face the brocade-wearing man and knelt. "Please calm down, young master."

The brocade-wearing man waved his hands. "She's just a girl, leave her be."

"But what if word gets out..."

"Bai Ze." The brocade-wearing man's appearance calmed, "I do not wish to repeat myself."

"Yes." The bodyguard named Bai Ze lowered his head. Feeling around, he picked up his sword, afraid to speak again.

Feng Yu Heng glared briefly at Bai Ze, then looked to the side, where the helpless old doctor continued to observe the injured man. With a solemn voice, she opened her mouth to say: "You should learn more from your young master. If you want to kill a witness to silence them, first make sure they aren't of use. Doctor, this profession is not well understood, nor is it transparent. If they have some trifles, a random movement here or there and both of his legs could become completely worthless."

"Don't over reach your bounds!" Bai Ze fumed with anger.

The brocade-wearing man let out a chuckle. "So knowledgeable at such a young age. Bai Ze, you can learn from her. What she said is correct."

"Young master!"

"Say no more." He cut off Bai Ze and looked towards Feng Yu Heng, "Go ahead and go home. Wasn't your mother still sick?"

Feng Yu Heng stared at him for a while. Her eyes unwilling to shift from the purple lotus on his forehead. Why else is it said that a man shouldn't become too handsome. With someone this handsome, it's easy for some girls to lose their principles.

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now