You are a Beast

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Feng Jin Yuan became furious- "Wretch!" The thing he hated most was having someone bring up the support the Chen family has provided the Feng family in front of him. Although it was indeed the case, and this was something he could not change for the foreseeable future. But the truth was the truth, but saying it so openly did not sound very good. The dignified prime minister needed to rely on a woman for bribes, what could that be considered?

"You malicious woman!" Feng Jin Yuan put on the cloak he received from his servant and walked over to the table, picking up the cup of that still had a few drops of medicine remaining, "Your own servant delivered this sort of thing. If something happened, you still dare to blame me? What reason would I have to keep someone like you as the head wife of the family?"

"If you have the ability, then send me back home!" Chen shi really did not fear this, "Feng Jin Yuan, you ungrateful bastard, if you have the ability, then send me back home. If you do not, then there will be a mutual divorce! I will cut relations with you!"

Feng Chen Yu was shocked, "Mother stop this nonsense."

Feng Yu Heng heard the two words mutual divorce and realized that this was the ancient era's form of divorce. She had not thought that the concept of divorce would exist. As for cutting relations, she did not understand. Seeing Chen Yu's nervous appearance, she tilted her head and quietly asked Wang Chuan: "What's the difference between mutual divorce and cutting relations?"

Wang Chuan explained to her in a small voice: "The so-called mutual divorce requires peace and harmony between both sides. The separation must be accepted by both sides without hurting either sides' feelings. Thus, the married man and woman will have nothing to do with the other. Da Shun treats women who have had mutual divorces with tolerance. They will not be criticized so harshly. After mutual divorce, there is being sent home..."

Feng Yu Heng nodded: "I understand being sent home."

Wang Chuan did not explain further and began to talk about cutting relations: "As for cutting relations, it is managed by the government on the grounds that one of the couple has committed seven crimes, or the relatives of one partner beats, curses, murders, harms or betrays the relatives of the other partner, then it is said that the love is lost. If it is judged that there is no way for the couple to ever reconcile, then the government forcefully declares a divorce."

Feng Yu Heng nodded. So cutting relations was such a severe thing. No wonder Chen Yu became so nervous after hearing Chen shi scream those two words. If that Chen shi really cut relations with Feng Jin Yuan, then it's entirely possible that she would have no way to survive in this day and age. This matter with Feng Jin Yuan, put unpleasantly, did not violate any of Da Shun's laws. A master receiving a servant girl was exceptionally normal.

But Chen shi did not think so- "I haven't said any nonsense!" Climbing off Jin Zhen's body, she grabbed the hem of Feng Jin Yuan's clothes and tried to slap him across the face. Although Feng Jin Yuan dodged this slap, he was still scratched by Chen shi's long nails. A bloody scratch immediately appeared on his face.

"Husband!" The one quickest to react and most considerate was Han shi who rushed forward without worrying if Chen shi would continue her rampage. In her opinion, Feng Jin Yuan was the only mountain she could rely on. Especially in these sorts of circumstances, where the more considerate and magnanimous she was, the more she would be able to win over the hearts of men: "My husband is ok, right!" Han shi's eyes teared up, as she pulled out a handkerchief to cover up Feng Jin Yuan's wound.

The matriarch saw her son being injured by her daughter-in-law and was so shocked that she did not know what to say. She had lived for a long time, but this was the first time that she had seen such a scene. Which family's wife would dare hit their husband? Could it be that this Chen shi was a beast?

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now