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Disclaimer: I don't own Supergirl or anything else 

Supergirl: Midvale High

Chapter 33 Vigilante


It was the week after thanksgiving, today would be when I have to start writing the article and I was dreading it. We were still no further forward at finding out who this person was, they were still out helping people they must know that Superman was back but it didn't seem to stop them. I starting to believe that Alex was right that they knew what they were doing but I couldn't help but think Clark was right as well that they were a fool trying to get themselves killed. I sighed before getting out of bed, Mon El still lay fast asleep beside me. He hadn't had much luck with finding a job since leaving college. I quickly got ready making myself some waffles, Mon El came out of our room.

"Morning," he smiled coming over and kissing me .

"Hey did I wake you?" I said.

"No the bed had gone cold, I came to see if you were still here," Mon El smiled. I couldn't return the smile, work was playing on my mind. "Hey what's with long face."

"Nothing just work, I have to start writing the article today and I don't know how I'm going to," I sighed.

"I'm sure you will find a way, I know how much of a good writer you are," Mon El said hugging me.

"Right I'm off," I said.

"You haven't had your waffles," Mon El said.

"Not hungry, you can have them I've got to go," I give him a weak smile.

"Okay you know I love you Kara," Mon El said hugging me.

"Yes of course I do I love you too," I finally smiled I kissed him before leaving.

I got to work Lois and Clark were already there Lois was sorting put papers while Clark lay with his head on his desk.

"Morning," I smiled.

"Morning Kara," Lois answered I just got a raised hand from Clark to say morning.

"Do I want to know why you are tired Clark? From my knowledge your friend wasn't flying around last night," I said.

"...Do you really want to know?" he said leaning up on his hand winking at Lois.

"Eww no I don't, I regret asking," I said in disgust.

I sat down at my desk trying very hard not to think of what Clark is on about eww.

"Shut up Clark," Lois said. "Right Kara I have put all the information from what we know on your desk and the CCTV footage that Chloe managed to get I sent over to your email."

I sat down behind my desk starting up the computer before opening the email that I had received from Lois I sat for the next hour watch though the footage. Whoever this was it definitely knew how to fight and the suit they had on looked quite high tec. Whatever it was made out of seemed to at least be resistant to friction judging by how fast they were moving. The gauntlets alone looked like they could have been used by the Kryptonian military judging by how the few bullets that hit them just deflected off. The whole suit was a mix of black and red with a helmet that covered their face, obscuring their identity. Obviously someone didn't want to be identified. Should have just worn some glasses, that always works.

I read through the information that we had and couldn't help but find it a bit lacking. It had is estimated height and weight along with their known appearances. Most times someone reported a sighting it couldn't be confirmed however the few times they had been caught on camera they had demonstrated certain abilities far beyond that of any human. Whoever this person was they were fast enough to dodge bullets and strong enough to bench press a car. Couple that with the clearly alien combat suit they were wearing and it was clear they were dangerous to face. I was sat still trying to write I had written only a small amount before a delivery driver knocked at the door to the office that had me Lois and Clark. Clark opened the door

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