Make Or Break

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Disclaimer: I don't own Supergirl or anything else

Supergirl: Midvale High

Chapter 13 Make Or Break

Mon El

I woke up the day after graduation, the events of last night came back. I know I overreacted to finding out Kara could be moving to Metropolis. Of course she wants to go to college, she's so smart. It's the fact that I haven't given a thought for what I want to do after graduation. I sighed before throwing the quilt off myself before getting dressed and heading downstairs. Martha, Lois and Clark were sitting at the table talking, they soon stop when I walked in.

"Don't stop on my account," I said as I walked to the sink and get a drink.

"Its fine," Martha said. I know they were talking about me. I sat down at the table. Clark doesn't even look at me and I can tell Lois is ready something.

"You can say it Lois I screwed up," I said plainly.

"Yeah you did the girl can fly she can get back here quicker then anything," Lois spat at me. I could tell she was annoyed at me and I was annoyed at my self.

"So what's your plan now you have left school what you planing on doing," Clark asked looking at me he knew I didn't know. "Let me guess you don't have a plan what you wanted to do?"

"Come on lay off him Clark he just left school," Martha said trying to defend me.

"No mom my cousin decided what she wants to do and that to go to college he hasn't thought," Clark said.

"We are not all as clever as Kara," I said. "What would i do in college."

"Sports," Lois answered simple with just one word as hold up an envelope.

"What's that?" I asked me.

"It came through the post this morning," Martha told me. Lois handed me the envelope I opened it.

It was my acceptance letter for my college scholarship that I applied for months ago. Not only that but it was based in Metropolis just a few miles away from where Kara was going. I thought that I wouldn't get it, that's why college was the last thing on my mind since I didn't want to burden Martha or Clark with paying for my college fees.

"I got a scholarship," I finally spoke. "I'm going to Metropolis next term."

"And you caused that hassle," Lois sighed. "You'd better go groveling to Kara, take it from a woman, you don't want to let things stew for long."

"...Right," I nodded in agreement.

I needed to speak to Kara...


I woke up the next morning when I woke up I didn't get much sleep my eyes hurt. Eliza was at work Alex and Maggie were downstairs, Maggie had to stay last night as her foster parents have kicked her out as she was eighteen and left school. I got throwing any random clothes I could find making my way down stairs going into the kitchen for some food.

"Where's all the food in this house?" I shouted through to them.

"We are all out, mom going shopping tonight after work she left money for us if we want to go get something," I heard Alex shout, I walked into the living room.

"I was about to get Alex to go wake you up we are all going to that diner," Maggie said.

"You two just go i don't fancy being the third wheel," I sighed.

"You won't be, come on you want something to eat don't you," Alex said pushing me out the door.

We get to the diner that's not far from the Danvers house I remember Eliza and Jeremiah brought me here when Clark brought me to earth as a kinda welcome we kept coming here every week since up until Jeremiah was took. We sat down in one of the booths we ordered our food and drink. My phone started to ring in my pocket I pulled it I was surprised to see who was calling

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