Last Day Part 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own Supergirl or anything else

Supergirl: Midvale High

Chapter 24 Last Day Part 1


"KARA!" I heard someone shouted my head crashed down to the table even if I'm an alien I still felt that.

It's currently half past six in the morning I have been up since six saying that I have just nutted a table because I fell asleep on my hand at the kitchen table. We were all up at this time because its officially moving day we are all packed up. We were all sitting around the kitchen table having as Eliza has called it our last breakfast. We have reminded her we are not moving that far away and we will be back in the holidays.

"Remind me why we are up at this time?" Alex moaned after she finished laughing at me for nutting the table after Maggie shouted to make me wake up.

"Because I wanted to spend some time with you all before you leave," Eliza said well up for the god knows how many time.

"You do remember you and Martha are driving us?" I reminded her which didn't help.

I just passed her a tissue from the kitchen table. Nothing else was said we said just waited for our breakfast before long three full breakfast were lay in front of use. We speak we were just enjoying our final breakfast before we leave.

"Girls, go and make sure you haven't forgotten anything. I don't fancy driving all the way to Metropolis because you forgot something," Eliza said as she started washing the dishes.

I thought I'd packed everything but it was best if I made sure just in case. Alex was in agreement begrudgingly at least and Maggie was nodding her head too. We left the kitchen, making our way up the stairs before reaching our—former—bedrooms. I entered and looked around, surveying the room for anything that I might have missed while I was packing earlier. For a moment I couldn't see anything that I'd planned to take with me until a sparkle in the light caught the corner of my eye. I didn't know what it was at first but when I did all I could do was stare.

My necklace, the one I got from my birth mother back on Krypton so long ago. It was there resting on my bedside table with the sunlight shining off of it. I'd taken it off earlier so that I could have a shower and had forgotten to put it back on. I walked over to it and sat down on my bed, picking it up as I did so. I stared at it for what felt like an eternity, my mind drifting back to that day when I had left my first home. Gods, it was so long ago now but it was still fresh in my mind.

Why did I survive when so many others didn't?

"Kara?" asked a worried Alex from the doorway.

"Y-yeah? Oh sorry Alex," I said before standing up.

"Are you alright?" my sister asked me.

"I'm fine," I replied as I passed her.

"If you say so..." she trailed off as she followed after me.

Time passed as we make sure we had everything—apparently Alex forgot a couple of her things too—but then we found Eliza standing in what used to be mine and Alex's shared room crying because it looked so empty. After we got Eliza to stop crying I took all our stuff outside as I'm kept being told by Alex 'you're an alien so you can lift anything.' Soon Martha and Mon El arrived. Martha would be driving all the our stuff down plus us all and Winn. That's what we have let Mon El think after moaning he want to take his old car martha saying he couldn't because it was a rust buck she finally getting her way.

"What's with the glum face?" I asked Mon El as we are loading the bus.

"I was planning on taking my truck to Metropolis but Martha says I can't because it rust buck," Mon El told me.

"Well it is a rust bucket it use to make strange noises when you drove it I don't think you would make it to Metropolis," I told him.

"That's just mean rustys very trustful," Mon El told me making me laugh at the name. "Is this all the stuff?"

"No my stuff is in the garage," I told him he give a confused look before walking toward I watch him get towards the garage.

"How do you get into this thing?" he asked turning towards me so his back was to the garage I pressed a button on a key so it opened. "Another question, why is your stuff in the..."

I heard him gasp at what was stood in the garage, a large red four-by-four one like his old one but less old and a lot less rusty . He looked flabbergasted as he stared at it. He turned toward me his mouth wide open I just held up the key to the truck.

"That's a brand new four by four my dream," Mon El gasped I just stood laughing at him

"There you go," I said throwing key at him he quickly caught it. He seem to stare at it.

"Is this mine?" he asked.

"Of course it is," Martha said she had been watching waiting for him to go in the garage.

"Thank you," Mon El said.

He's running over to his adoptive mom hugging her before running in to the garage to check out his new truck. I followed behind him by the time I got there he was already sitting in the front seat looking around in amazement.

"Do you like?" I asked I knew they answer because he look like a kid at Christmas

"I Love it "he simply said before looking at me "come on I want to take it for a spin before I drive it for real"

I jumped into the passengers seat the Seats were leather and comfy. He quickly put the key in before reversing it out of the garage we drove a few times around the bloke before he parked it back outside.

"It drives like a dream," Mon El said looking around the truck again.

"So are you okay giving rusty up or do you want rusty back?" I asked.

"No no I will keep this," Mon El answered quickly.

Today was going to be an amazing day soon we would be setting off to Metropolis...

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