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Disclaimer: I don't own Supergirl or anything else

Supergirl: Midvale High

Chapter 3 Josie

It was just after Lunch Time the next day when the noise of the school's intercom sounded through the speakers in hallways and classrooms. Everyone stopped what they were doing and quieted down enough to hear.

"Would Alex Danvers please report to the Principal's Office immediately? Thank you," spoke the school principal through the system.

I turned to Alex and saw everyone else do the same. She looked startled and seemed to shrink in on herself for a moment before hastily collecting her things. She stood up from her seat and left the classroom. The class resumed a few seconds later but I wasn't really concentrating on it. With my super hearing I could hear Alex as she entered the Principal's Office.

"You wanted to see me sir?" Alex asked sounding confused and nervous.

"Yes Miss Danvers," the principle replied sternly. "I believe an explanation is in order."

"That's-" she started.

"Alcohol, in your locker, or at least it was before your locker door fell open and the janitor found this inside. What do you have to say for yourself Miss Danvers?" The principal questioned.

"Enough," I was surprised to hear Eliza speak. "I don't know what's going on or how that got in her locker but we will get to the bottom of this."

"I-I don't know how that got there," Alex stammered.

"...I am sorry Miss Danvers but I'm afraid I will have to suspend you until we sort out this unfortunate incident," the principal declared.

The bell rang a second later and everyone quickly packed their things away. I was out the door and heading for my next class. Once I was out in the hallway I spotted Eliza and Alex walking towards the entrance no doubt to head home. Instead of following them or even going to my next class I approached the lockers. I narrowed my eyes and concentrated. The lockers faded out from my vision and I could see inside of them.

I wasn't sure what I was looking for exactly but I had a feeling that I will know it when I see it. There, at the far end was a locker with a bottle in it. I concentrated even more and saw the label on it. I didn't know much but I could tell it was alcohol, probably the same kind as the one found in Alex's locker.

I had to get home and tell Eliza...

When I got home Eliza and Alex were sat in the kitchen at the table.Alex looked upset while Eliza sat there not really saying much.

"What you doing home?" Eliza asked.

"Alex didn't put the alcohol in her locker...?" I said but Alex cut me off.

"How do you know that? Are you the one that put in there?" Alex accused

"No of course not I used my x ray vision and Josie has the same bottle in her locker," I told them.

"Josie wouldn't do that," Alex shouted I knew that Alex said before would not believe me I had to get evidence.

"I will get evidence," I said before any of them could speak again.

I made my way back to school, I knew someone that could see into Josie's locker. I got back to see it was change over for next lesson. I found who I was looking for.

"Will you do me a favour?" I said.

"Hello to you to Kara," Mon El smiled at me.

"Will you do it or not," I said impatient.

Supergirl Midvale HighWhere stories live. Discover now