The Morning After

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Disclaimer: I don't own Supergirl or anything else

Supergirl: Midvale High

Chapter 12 The Morning After

Mon El

I woke up the next morning I turned over to cuddle into Kara, my arm fell to the cold bed I opened my eyes to see the space beside me empty.

"Kara," I called getting no reply.

"Was I that bad or was I that good?" I asked to myself before rising to my feet throwing on a t-shirt. I walked downstairs I could smell breakfast as I got to the bottom of the stair then I saw Kara wearing nothing but one of my shirts.

"Hey you I thought you had left," putting my arm around her kissing her neck.

"Hey, no but you moaned you didn't get breakfast yesterday so I thought I could make you some," Kara said turning around in my arms.

"Mmm I think we walked up quite an appetite and broke a bit of the bed," I laughed as Kara laughed in embarrassment that we broke the bed.

"I think you might need a new bed before Martha gets home," Kara laughed more. "What time does she get home anyway."

"A couple of hours I think," I said though gritted teeth I didn't know how I was going sort the bed before she came back.

"Oh you're screwed," Kara told me before turning and finishing our breakfast.

"Yeah I figured that much she should be used to it I be, Clark broke a few," I said Kara turning around with a disgusted face.

"I don't want that image in my head thank you," Kara said putting our breakfast on plates. Placing them on the table. We eat our breakfast before we go back upstairs to get ready.

"Come on Mon-El I can fly it gives you more time to fix this," Kara said pointing at the bed that looked like it was about to fall apart.

"I suppose," I said.

Kara slowly got dressed and I couldn't help but stare in awe at her. She was beautiful, there was simply no other way to describe her. She noticed me staring and started to blush a deep red. I had to force myself to look away so as to stop her from feeling shy. Did she even realize how stunning she was?

"I love you," she said as she walked over to the open window.

"I love you too," I said back before kissing her. She smiled as she pulled away.

Then she was gone...

I heard the door open downstairs not long after Kara left I hoped it was just Kara that was back but I soon heard

"Mon El I'm home," Martha shouted up the stairs she was home early oh shoot. I heard he starting to come up the stairs I hoped she didn't come into my room. I had just stared at dismantle the bed. "Hey son," Martha said opening my bedroom door he eyes caught sight of the broken bed. "Do I want to ask since I just saw Kara fly out your window?"

I just shook my head she smiled before she turned to leave

"I'm glad you're happy," Martha smiled at me. "Now please sort your bed out."

"I'm just going to sleep on the mattress since I'm moving out soon," I said.


I landed in the garden of the Danvers' house, entering the house through the back door Alex had just walked into the kitchen.

"Oh look what the cat dragged in you're so in trouble with Mom, " Alex said as I closed the door behind me.

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