Dealing with Guilt

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Disclaimer: I don't own Supergirl or anything else

Supergirl: Midvale High

Chapter 21 Dealing with Guilt


I lay awake the event of the mugging last night repeating in my head of what could have happened. Mon El lay asleep beside I tossed and turned before fiving up and throwing the blanket of me. I went into the kitchen grabbing my self a glass of water sitting at the table.

"Are you okay?" Mon El spoke making me jump.

"Yeah I'm fine I didn't mean to wake you sorry," I spoke plainly causing mon el to sit down at the table.

"You didn't I was awake is this about the mugging," mon el aske I just nodded the tears started to slip down my cheeks.

"You could have died, one of them had a gun. Lead can kill you," I cried he just picked me up from the seat I was sat on placing me on to his lap so I could cry into his chest.

"I'm fine I'm here," Mon El finally spoke after we sat in silence just the sound of my crying could be heard.

" I know but I could have lost you," I cried.

"I thought I could hear crying," Martha broke the silence by appearing out of nowhere.

"Yeah something happened earlier Kara's just a bit upset," Mon El spoke as Martha sat opposite us .

"Has this got something to do with a mugging and the muggers being left with a few injury's?" Martha asked.

"How do you know?" Mon El asked.
"The news they have arrested the muggers," Martha answered.

"Are the appealing for the ones they mugged to come forward," Mon el asked.

"No Clark has told them it was him that they tried to attack apparently they were drunk and looking for a fight," Martha told us.

"How did he know?" I asked.

"Him and Lois were on there way to New York for a surprise meal tomorrow," Martha answered I would love to be like Clark one day going out fighting criminals helping people.

"So what going to happen now?" Mon El asked.

"Clark has said he would like to train you if you are both up for it," Martha told us I just nodded.

"Yeah I think that would be best," Mon El said I just stayed quite the thought I had hurt someone kept ruining though my mind.

"Clark done much worse when he got in his first fight," Martha told us I remember hearing about the first fight he got in. He left a student in high school with a broken leg, nose and hand. "The boy he was fighting threw a punch at his face and hurt himself. Clark didn't realize it at the time and kicked him in the legs to knock him down before knocking him out with a punch to the face. He only found out afterwards just how hurt the boy was."

I didn't say anything else I was relived I had more on control of my powers then Clark did. I listened to Mon El telling Martha what happened my tear have dried up I just felt tired. The next thing I know I woke up it was bright outside and I was lying in bed lying beside Mon El who was staring at me.

"Morning what time is it?" I smiled at him lying on his chest.

"Morning its just after twelve," Mon El told me.

"Why didn't you wake me up how long you been awake?" I asked.

"You had a long night, you deserved a rest and I have been awake for about an hour.

"Creepy but sweet," I said as I stared up at him. "We'll need to get up soon."

"But not yet," he said before he kissed me. "I'd like stay like this a bit longer."

"Me too," I sighed feeling relaxed. "I wish we could stay like this forever," I don't know how long we stay like that, just lying there in each other's arms. It was only when I realized the time that he pulled myself away from Mon El and headed for the bathroom. "I'm going to go and take a shower."

"You know we could save water if we shower together," Mon El mused.

"Well if it saves water..." I trailed off as I entered the bathroom.

Mon El joined me a few seconds later and we grabbed a quick but fun shower. Afterwards we quickly dressed and headed out. We left our room to find the others already waiting for us outside.

"Let's go," Martha said we all started walking. Five minutes later we reached a restaurant Lois and Clark were already sat at a large table waiting for us. We all took our seats.

"How are you both after last night?" Lois asked once we had ordered our food and talked for a while.

"We are good," I smiled.

"You did a good job last night, you both have the making of a good superhero," Clark said.

"We want you to train us once we move to Metropolis," Mon El said,

"Speaking of Metropolis has you give this poor boy a answer weather your going to live with him?" Clark asked earning a scowl from me causing Mon El to laugh. "I take that as a no you haven't?"

Lois just hit Clark on the arm her way of telling him to be quite before he carried on any more.

"I can't believe my two girls are moving away," Eliza spoke.

"Aww mom don't start crying it's not like you wont see us we will be back every holiday," Alex said in embarrassment.

"Is a mother not allowed to miss her daughters?" Eliza questioned in a sarcastic manor.

"It gets easier," Martha spoke up.

We just shock our heads at them both. We soon got our meal spending the most of the meal just talking and laughing over the embarrassing stories that Martha and Eliza decide to share. We finished our meals we decided that we were going to go our own separate ways for the rest of the day. Mon El hailed a cab and we soon ended up at the entrance to the mall.

"This way," he said as he took my hand and guided me towards the jewelry shop. "I'm buying you something."

"You don't have to," I told him. "Besides the stuff here in way too expensive."

It was true, the jewelry on display had a price tag on them, each one worse than the last. Mon El didn't care he just dragged me thought the door to the shop. Mon El soon found a necklace that had a heart locket on the front it read I love you.

"What do you think do you like?" Mon el asked me the price on the necklace was way too expensive.

"Of course I like it. It's just way too expensive," I answered but Mon El just shook his head and smirked at me before walking of to one of the workers. He soon came back with a small bag in hand passing it straight to me. I just thanked him and kissed him.

"I fancy some ice cream," Mon El said we were to full after the meal that we didn't have dessert.

We walked around for a bit trying to find a place that done ice cream. We soon found an ice cream parlor. We ordered a giant chocolate brownie sundae between us . It arrived it was bigger than we expected but we soon dug in before long it was all gone. Mon El went to pay the bill we soon came out of the parlor mon el notice something in the window of a shop not far from the ice cream. In the window of a shop called build a bear stood a bear dressed in a very familiar suit.

"I have to get you one," Mon El said before I could say anything he had disappeared into the shop but the time I court up to him he had picked out the bear and he stood filling it with a superman outfit in his hand. "Here you go."

"Thank you," I smiled back as he handed me the 'Superbear.'

Do you believe a bear can fly?

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