First and Last Day

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Disclaimer: I don't own Supergirl or anything else

Supergirl: Midvale High

Chapter 30 First and Last Day  


My alarm rang out at seven-thirty the next morning and for the first time in weeks I didn't have to fight to drag myself out of bed. Today marks my first day working at the Daily Planet and I was excited about it. Mon El sadly wasn't as excited about his day at college as he groaned turning over and went back to sleep.

"Good morning Mister Grumpy," I said talking in a baby voice as I pulled the quilt off him kissing his cheek.

"You're too cheery for a morning," he groaned.

"Yes well I have every right to be cheery, I have a wonderful boyfriend and a new job," I cheered mon el just smiled at me.

"I love how cheerful you are and I love you," Mon El smiled kissing me. Soon the kiss got more passionate.

"We have to stop before I'm late for my first day at work," I said trying to pull myself away getting up.

"Spoil sport," Mon El laughed as he slapped my bum as I made my into the bathroom. I got a quick shower and came out of the bathroom I expected to see Mon El still in bed but the bed was made and Mon El was nowhere to see. I got ready before leaving the bed room.

"Do I smell bacon?" I asked running to where Mon El stood making breakfast. Alex and Maggie were already eating there breakfast at the table.

"Yes I'm make you a good hearty breakfast," Mon El said before adding the finishing touch to what looked like a delicious start to the day .

We ate our breakfast before I left for the Daily Planet I walked the ten minutes mixing in with everyone rushing to get to where they need to be. I hear the sound of police sirens the race past me just as I reach the door of the Daily Planet I look up see a red blue blur.

"Morning Lois, Clark already out on a job?" I give her a knowing look.

"Morning Kara, yes something like that. I'm throwing you in at the deep end come on," Lois said picking up her stuff I followed her out. Her car was parked out front

Before Clark left he told Lois that it was a gang holding about ten people hostage including two children in the bank . When we arrived Clark was hovering above the building waiting for the signal from the armed officers that the incident was out of there control. Lois set up her reporting equipment and took a hold of her microphone. With a deep breath she started talking to the camera as it began recording, transmitting what it was seeing and hearing to the millions of viewers across Metropolis. I could only stare in amazement at her as she worked, speaking into the camera as if it was a person and describing the scene as it unfolded before her eyes. There was no doubting her natural talent at this, nor her passion for what she did. I wonder if I'll ever be that passionate about something?

It wasn't long before the situation turned dire as the talks with the hostage takers broke down and Superman was force to step in. I could tell that he was hoping for a peaceful ending to this incident but it wasn't to be. Faster than a speeding bullet he entered the building and blitzed the criminals, knocking them unconscious before they could react to his presence.

It was over in a matter of seconds...

He fast, faster than both Mon El and I put together. Was that because he was 'older' or because he had adapted to Earth's yellow sun more than I have so far?

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