New York

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Disclaimer: I don't own Supergirl or anything else

Supergirl: Midvale High

Chapter 14 New York


"Kara have you finished packing yet? We need to leave soon!" Eliza shouted the stairs to me.

I was busy packing. Martha and Eliza had planed a trip for us all to go on before we went to collage. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Come on!" Eliza shouted coming into my room looking flushed.

"I'm coming," I said as Eliza dragged my suitcase out of the room to the top of the stairs. I followed behind standing at the doorframe watching her try to pick my suitcase up.

"What did you pack your whole room?" Eliza moaned as I came over picking the suitcase up without a problem. "Why didn't you just do that in the first place? I'm still surprised at how strong you are."

I just laughed at Eliza complaining that I didn't carry my suitcase knowing it was heavy. I carried my case to car where there were already three cases. Alex and Maggie were sat in the back of car looking bored.

"I thought you would have hurried up knowing we're going to lover boy," Maggie joked as I opened the car door and jumped in I just glared at her causing Alex and I to laugh.

"Come on Eliza what's taking you so long?" I laughed as wound the window down.

"Shut up Kara," Eliza joked giving me a funny look.

We drove to the Kent farm there was a small minibus parked up. We drove into the barn where Eliza car would be parked until we got back. We got out the car Martha and Mon El brought out their cases.

"Hey, was the traffic back getting here?" Martha asked.

"Hey, no we were held up," Eliza said.

"Who held you up?" Martha asked making Eliza, Alex and Maggie all turn to me.

"Blame her, she left her packing until late," Alex said.

"They're picking on me," I pouted at Mon El. I walked to him as he opened his arms to hug.

"Are them big bad humans picking on the little alien?" Mon El said sarcastically. I looked up at him pouting for his cheeky comment, he just bent down and kissed me.

"Come on lets hit the road before Kara finds a way of holding us up again," Martha joked.

"Kara, grab your case out of the car since you have packed it with bricks," Eliza joked.

"Its okay I have it," Mon El said going over to Eliza's car boot picking out my case and putting his and mine in the back of the minibus.

We all got in to the minibus and we pulled away from the farm. It wasn't long before we were on the motorway heading for New York, laughing and carrying on the whole way. Hours passed as we traveled until finally we saw it, the first sign on the road directing us towards the city. Eventually we entered the city itself, the streets teeming with people and cars.

"Are we there yet?" I asked the question for the forty-second time.

"Almost," Martha answered as she drove.

"Take the next left," Eliza directed. "It should be on the right."

We drove around the left corner of a building and pulled over in front of a large apartment complex. I sighed in relief as we finally came to a stop before climbing out of the minibus. We booked in, they give us a key telling us where to go. We got to our apartment.

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